Why is there no good weed around?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
Yep, things have been pretty f*cked up in the UK for well over a year now.

Never really considered that dealers may be re-wetting their supplies in order to increase the weight. I just put it down to a complete lack of drying/curing, which pretty much equates to the same thing. (ie. It's wet, whatever the reason)

It's honestly pretty rank stuff, smells like hay, freshly mown grass etc.

From what I can gather 'most' of the weed in sale in the uk is coming from grow houses which are set up in rented properties usually by Vietnamese. (At least most of the reported busts involve Vietnamese growers).

Im guessing the lack of curing (or whatever is actually going on) is simply because they can get away with it. If we keep buying it, then they aint gonna bother making sure its primo bud. At least that's my theory...

The worst stuff I've personally seen was some bud which had some kind of silvery/reflective particles all over it (and found embedded throughout the buds too). Most annoying thing about this particular one was the bud itself smelt absolutely sweet... tangy, lemony, the sort of smell that usually makes you want to do a little dance.

After spending an hour picking as much of the shit off as I could I smoked 1 joint and it had a strange chemical taste so I promptly stuck it in the fridge to try and return to the dealer. Whaddya know, he wouldn't take it back!

When asked about the strange substance he said the grower had been having trouble with spider mites. I told him I didn't wan't any shit that was covered in insecticide or anything else for that matter.

After doing a bit of research online and looking at the substance under a magnifying glass I came to the conclusion that it was probably lead or some kind of heavy metal as it was soft and the tiny flakes could be 'smeared' on your fingertip.

Anyway, I've given up buying it now unless I know it's going to be of a decent quality (rarely happens). Which is why I'm now on this site. Have sorted out a light (250w HPS), some seeds (Greenhouse Sativa/Indica mix-pack), and am currently planning and gathering supplies for my own small scale cab.

Which leads me to the following question... Anybody know where I can find (cheap) mylar in the uk? :)
yep. had the same experiences just abit different. it really is shit. i wish i could keep growing and just keep it as personal stash.

anyways, i got my panda film (85% reflective) for 6quid and i got shit loads of it. lol im only using about 3 or 4 pieces of A1.

i got it from growtec i think. if ur interested i will find u the link.

i also got my 600w hps from there with bulb,ballast and hood for 70quid and easy rollers for 3 quid. oh and the 24h timer with relay in to support the 600w ballast for 15quid.


Well-Known Member
I'm just north of London, and I get boooooom draw.

Well cured, potent skunk. Averaging on 2.8-3.5g for £20.


Well-Known Member
oh and gin and ton. if ur close enough and willing to sell me some then i will gladly sell u some of my harvest when it gets there.

super silver haze,blue cheese, blueberry.

Haha, where abouts you from?

I'm just north of london.


Well-Known Member
Haha, where abouts you from?

I'm just north of london.
near Manchester.

my friend and son's god parents live near london. drop a bag off too him :p

bit far for me to go to london to pick up an eighth.

maybe if it was couple Oz of *insert strain name*