Why is Trump so hellbent on killing as many women, children, terminal, and poor people as possible?


Well-Known Member
Thank God, botb sides of the aisle thought Trump's budget was (likely putting it politely/politically) "too unrealistic."

That's not the only Trump proposal that's dead.

It's a dying adminstration based on fake news, lies*, Russians and hate propaganda.

* not the usual spin doctor lies, totally made up bullshit with no basis in fact.

I haven't had this much fun since Watergate. Except Watergate didn't involve treason, Nixon would never lower himself like that.


Well-Known Member
I just didn't like/trust either candidate, really. I was a Bernie guy, but even he's starting to strike me as untrustworthy.
Reflecting back, and knowing what an unorthodox, illiterate moron with zero political skills Trump is, would you still not vote?

Hillary would have closely followed Obama's policies. Trump doesn't follow any policy, real or immagined.

He does like to ask intelligence agencies to drop investigations, but that's not much of a policy.


Well-Known Member
I just didn't like/trust either candidate, really. I was a Bernie guy, but even he's starting to strike me as untrustworthy.
I'm just wondering what @SouthCross meant when he said:
Sounds like the same deal like every election cycle. Two choices picked by the 1% then shoved down our throat. You have to pick one right?

Refuse to vote and boycott this joke. Stop eating the shit sandwich they keep shoving in front of the faces of citizens. Stop voting for "their" picks.
@SouthCross , what good can possibly come from not voting?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Reflecting back, and knowing what an unorthodox, illiterate moron with zero political skills Trump is, would you still not vote?

Hillary would have closely followed Obama's policies. Trump doesn't follow any policy, real or immagined.

He does like to ask intelligence agencies to drop investigations, but that's not much of a policy.
It's a really tough thing to ask. I think Hillary, as well, would have only served her own legacy. I do think she's dishonest and that she, likely, would also not have done right by the People, but by her fellow Partisans and an unpopular government agenda; unpopular in its etymological sense.

However, I have to admit that unlike Trump, she would not have blatantly sabotaged or subverted the country, nor in her egomania would she run this country like a corporation, which is what Trump thinks he can do.

So, I would have to say that in retrospect, if it would have altered the course for the better, I would have voted for Hillary, liar and egocentric, cutthroat bitch or not.


Well-Known Member
It's a really tough thing to ask. I think Hillary, as well, would have only served her own legacy. I do think she's dishonest and that she, likely, would also not have done right by the People, but by her fellow Partisans and an unpopular government agenda; unpopular in its etymological sense.

However, I have to admit that unlike Trump, she would not have blatantly sabotaged or subverted the country, nor in her egomania would she run this country like a corporation, which is what Trump thinks he can do.

So, I would have to say that in retrospect, if it would have altered the course for the better, I would have voted for Hillary, liar and egocentric, cutthroat bitch or not.
The only way a politician could win by telling the whole truth 100% of the time, is if both candidates did it.

People don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear what you're going to do for them.

"Ask not what your country can do for you..." has been thrown out for decades, except by troops in active war zones.

The internet took over. Some of us take the net for what it is, others actually believe it because it's better than the truth. Or it's their truth. If it's in print somewhere, it's gotta be true.

Just ask a wing nut.


Well-Known Member
Hillary would have closely followed Obama's policies. Trump doesn't follow any policy, real or immagined.

Good reason to vote Trump!

He does like to ask intelligence agencies to drop investigations, but that's not much of a policy.
No proof = hearsay. Besides, still does not add up to collusion.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, we have to eliminate the 1%, then. By whatever means escalation of force demands.
We must bring them to heel, by whatever means necessary. If they gerrymander our representation, challenge it. If they declare 'emergency powers' (South Dakota), impeach them;

They mean to control our government and therefore our country whether we stand for it or not. EVEN OVER THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE BY VOTE. That's treason.

Bin Laden's aim was poor; he shouldn't have sent those planes into the Twin Towers, he should have sent them into Jupiter Beach and the Hamptons.