Why is Trump un reelectable?

If you are below 55 and are a trumpkin... Enjoy your screwin...
hey everyone

the racial segregationist who uses racial slurs and is a holocaust denier is really upset about some century old racism

Except I'm not a government mandated segregationist or a government mandated forced associationist. (like you are)

Whether individual people associate or don't associate should be up to them, not me, you or a "majority". The involved individuals should decide, on a mutual and peaceful basis. Yes means yes and no means no, rapist.

I'm not a holocaust denier either. I just wish those government school obedience indoctrinated German people had the balls not to obey orders to incarcerate people and turn a blind eye to it, like your kind did when FDR put American citizens in concentration camps
Except I'm not a government mandated segregationist or a government mandated forced associationist. (like you are)

Whether individual people associate or don't associate should be up to them, not me, you or a "majority". The involved individuals should decide, on a mutual and peaceful basis. Yes means yes and no means no, rapist.

I'm not a holocaust denier either. I just wish those government school obedience indoctrinated German people had the balls not to obey orders to incarcerate people and turn a blind eye to it, like your kind did when FDR put American citizens in concentration camps
How many Jews were murdered in the holocaust
One person murdered is too many. I don't know exactly how many people were murdered, do you?

I told others in advance that you would refuse to ever state how many Jews were murdered in the holocaust

you don’t disappoint

you’re a very predictable neo nazi
The mad kings adult diapers were leaking while in Tennessee.

The mad kings adult diapers were leaking while in Tennessee.

He wears pretends....
Why do you think he will be re elected? Do you believe in raping the Earth or maybe you think the Rich should rule over us? What ever the cause there will be another who disagrees. We must have unity to really make our country great. :shock:
And you think Joe Biden is the one to do it. Haha. That’s what makes Trump electable.
Your evidence gathering could use some improvement, Inspector Poopeau.
“Hey everyone, rob roy knows plenty of history from the time of fdr and has no problem spamming us with it. But he will refuse to acknowledge how many Jews were murdered in the holocaust because he’s a neo nazi holocaust denier. Just watch”

me: “hey rob, how many Jews were murdered in the holocaust”

rob: “I don’t know”


dumbass neo nazi scum