What was the date that McConnell was doing that? We were int he middle of a attack by the Russian military, and Fox news was covering every grievance by 'the libs' overtime while god knows what about Obama, I am sure some kind of conspiracy would have been around his appointment, just enough that people on the right were able to tune it out as just political noise.
I remember thinking it was shitty, but I wasn't online at all during that period and never gave it any thought outside of more reason for me to vote for Clinton. Democrats have been behind on the troll for decades (I am sure early on it was a lot of complicity by like minded Democrats, but steadily we have gotten to the current Democrats in office who represent all of our nation.
It was hard to get everyone under the tent and too much infighting to understand the decades long game that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has been playing to maintain power as long as possible. Luckily just like Putin, Trump exposed that to the world too.
We won't financially collapse, that is the same end of the world shit I have heard my entire life. We will hurt, but this too shall pass.
America is not our government. We have too many good hard working people to fall into the crazy shit we get fed on a loop to scare us.
Unfortunately Trump just has the ultimate megaphone atm, so it seems like it is all too much.