• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why isn't that guy going to burn korans?


Well-Known Member
I read it, I'm kind of in the middle, on one hand I would love to see this man express his freedom to do so, more Americans need to start expressing their rights, IMO.

On the other hand, I don't think burning those books is really going to prove anything, it's just the media's pick of the month
Oh obviously too you and me its not gonna prove shit. But in this religious nutcases mind(along with whoever follows him), its gonna.

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Just made a $100 donation to the Rev's Dove Charismatic Ministries. He says and does what most Americans are too chicken-shit to say or do.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
I am surprised that protesters in the Middle East aren't burning Bibles to protest the preacher that plans to burn a Koran. :roll: :roll:


Well-Known Member
if he burned those korans, our forces in the middle east would feel the repercussions. that guy is an idiot, and he is no different than the radical jihad idiots.


Well-Known Member
It's just really sad.

Sad that he is willing to burn the books of another religion.

Sad that people are willing to kill another man that had nothing to do with the burning of their book (even-though others in the community will be reading the Koran and passing out copies on the same day). While they stand by or encourage the burning of our Koran, "The American Flag."

Sad that a Governmnet that travels the world installing democracies that has the rally cry "FREE SPEECH;" has it's leader asking for the silence of his own citizen.

Sad that you guys are choosing a side because everyone is wrong.

I hope we can get past this trivial shit and work together to make this world a better place. I think we have to take ONE HUGE DEEP BREATH TOGETHER as a WORLD and evaluate what we are doing now; and where we want to be headed on our brief stint here. Mr. Jones is an ignorant man to burn the Book of 1.1 MILLION followers (the second largest religion in the world) because of the transgressions of a literal drop in a bucket of extreme followers. For any Muslim group to use this as leverage to kill Americans or recruit members shows how weak and uneducated its new followers are and how dim their future is.

We're stuck here together - Let's make the best of it.


Well-Known Member
Your hippy shit doesnt work anywhere else in the world. 3/4th of the population in shit hole countries like that would shank you without second thought for 20 dollars.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Does anyone not find it rather ironic that Obama has condemed this and urged that the states is built on freedom and religious acceptance, or whatever his words were, yet they're condemning his use of freedom. Personally, i say sod the anticipated violence, we've let htem control us WAY too much with the fear of retaliation for pretty much anything contrary to their will.


Well-Known Member
The motherfuckers are all peace loving Muslims right? Hell no! Believe this, they are after nothing short of converting the world to Islam. If you don't convert, you are an infidel and will die like a dog. They think nothing more of you than that.

We are told time and time again that burning the quran will only incite them and aid AL-Qaeda propaganda. My retort is, those mother fuckers chant "Death To America" and burn our flag. They burn our leaders in effigy. Fuck them all. Islam is of the devil, it is the anti-Christian. their prophets are straight from the ranks of hell and their 12th Imam is the Anti-Christ. Smart and intelligent people have known since our awakening on 9/11 that the final third world war will be a war Islam vs Christians, and the Christians and those that believe in Jesus did not bring it on. The first blood letting happened many years ago...

Burn baby BURN!!!!!

I support the pastor, but I do agree it's gonna cause trouble. Then again, like I said, they wish us death and burn our flag everyday, fuck em....


Well-Known Member
I'm not even going to dignify this thread with an actual response pertaining to the topic.
I myself am muslim... (half, my dad is full) and my entire dads side of the familiar are devot muslims.

They are the most PEACEFUL people I have ever met.... I have nothing more to say about this issue.

Muslims are NOT violent people.. That would make me violent... would it not?

I agree burning the U.S flag is wrong, but burning the (Qu'oran) is not right either.. It's a viscious circle.. They do something, we do something in retaliation.. and so on and so forth.

In arabic, they greet people by saying "As-Salam Alaikum"... you know what that means? ( MAY PEACE BE UPON YOU )

edit: Even more proof that racism is fueled by the media and is learned behavior... look at Arabic tribes that live in the Sahara Desert (i know its in africa dumbasses) that have NO contact with the outside world..... They practice nothing but tolerance and peace.... and co-exist happily with nature...... AND THEY RESCUE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE FROM THE DESERTS EVERY YEAR... REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE WHITE BLACK BROWN ASIAN..... You really think these people are born racists?

Anyone that justifies this man burning the Qu'oran for whatever reason is no more right than the extremists in Afghanistan killing and raping.

As any religious person will say (AND I AM NOT RELIGIOUS AT ALL!!!! AND THIS DOESNT MATTER WHAT RELIGION YOU ARE... IF YOU ARE ARABIC, CHRISTIAN, PRODESTANT, EVANGELIST, WHATEVER......)..... Everyone is held accountable for their actions... and this man will pay the price for burning a sacred book.

double edit: This is a topic I am VERY passionate about... and I could write forever and ever and ever about this topic...


Well-Known Member
Something else to think about too... My mother told me this just this weekend....

Christian bibles are burned on a regular basis in the Military.... beit the Canadian or American army... Once a bible becomes "outdated" (how can religious text become outdated??) and newer version is available.... the Padre's (military priests) spend hours BURNING the old bibles.... because they don't want it to look like the military is trying to convert people into Christians.... so they don't keep any bibles.... they are burned... (THIS IS FACT by the way)

And also... in the Canadian army... I'm not so sure about the American army.... if a Canadian flag touches the ground while being flown for Military purposes... it is burned on the SPOT... in a special flag incinerator... As a sign of respect for your country.... You do not allow something so special to come in contact with the ground...
Same with your beret pin depicting the queens crown... if it falls from your beret and hits the ground... you have to kiss it...... It's just military tradition... and respect...


Active Member
i think we should all draw pics of mohammed getting butt fucked by a pig for 9/11. im not normally racist but really i have never met a nice muslim and i live in a predominantly asian/muslim community. their religion promotes martyrs not love.
Obviously you're just another uneducated fuckhead. No offence but do your goddamn research before you talk shit about anything k? Islam is a peaceful religion, the whole suicide bombing martyr thing is purely extremist, now why dont you go and bitch at every christian you know because of the kkk being a christian extremist group.


Active Member
Islam is of the devil, it is the anti-Christian. their prophets are straight from the ranks of hell and their 12th Imam is the Anti-Christ. Smart and intelligent people have known since our awakening on 9/11 that the final third world war will be a war Islam vs Christians, and the Christians and those that believe in Jesus did not bring it on.
Wow.............. so if 9/11 is proof that all muslims are the devil - you are proof that all Christians are just as in-fucking-sane

Seriously... fuck religion - believe what you want. Everything we ever thought was real we have realized was wrong or different, or learned something new about.... One nation under God was the dumbest fucking thing they wrote


Active Member
I was mad that he didn't say anything about respecting someones right to burn the quran though...


Well-Known Member
Something else to think about too... My mother told me this just this weekend....

And also... in the Canadian army... I'm not so sure about the American army.... if a Canadian flag touches the ground while being flown for Military purposes... it is burned on the SPOT... in a special flag incinerator... As a sign of respect for your country.... You do not allow something so special to come in contact with the ground...
Same with your beret pin depicting the queens crown... if it falls from your beret and hits the ground... you have to kiss it...... It's just military tradition... and respect...
Maybe those guys in the pics above are just burning those flags because they touched the ground. What nice, considerate young men. ;)