Why oh Why oh Why ...


I didn't really get the impression that Rumple was being one sided. He seemed open enough to the idea... If I had a simpler method that would work on a larger scale then I'm sure we would see him trying it out.

I'll be reviewing my process and seeing if I can make it a little easier for larger scale guys. I think trimming will need to be the main change and it will need to happen before going into jars. I also think I need to start mixing a specific percentage of co2 mixed with other gasses. I'm looking into nitrogen (N2) as a possible addition but need to look into it's reactions with thc.
It's also becoming apparent that I don't need such high concentrations of co2 to inhibit mold. Turns out even average levels of co2 will create acidic conditions that mold will be extremely challenged to establish in. If I can lower the amount of co2 it will probably reduce some of the browning of the buds.


Well-Known Member
"my way is the right way because my bajillion post thread.." blah blah,
I have also stated (a few times) that I tried it both ways to come to my own conclusion, almost exactly they way you did it. Why are my trials less valid? I am also cool with folks who don't flush, but not cool with folks telling me I am crazy, terrible-grower, un-informed, and un-enlightened for sharing my thoughts and experience on flushing before harvest.

Please go back and look at when I first mentioned my past DIY threads with a "bajillion" hits. It was not to answer or validate the question of whether or not to flush. It was only to answer the question/insult "You're on what, your second grow now?" . Other then that I have never talked about other threads I wrote. Please show me when I leaned on my past posts to drive this point.


New Member
I have also stated (a few times) that I tried it both ways to come to my own conclusion, almost exactly they way you did it. Why are my trials less valid? I am also cool with folks who don't flush, but not cool with folks telling me I am crazy, terrible-grower, un-informed, and un-enlightened for sharing my thoughts and experience on flushing before harvest.

Please go back and look at when I first mentioned my past DIY threads with a "bajillion" hits. It was not to answer or validate the question of whether or not to flush. It was only to answer the question/insult "You're on what, your second grow now?" . Other then that I have never talked about other threads I wrote. Please show me when I leaned on my past posts to drive this point.
Nah I am not going to go back and search for "reasons why you sound the way you did to me or anyone else for that matter" I just skimmed and it seemed like you were the one throwing the so-called clout of your threads, post etc to make a statement that your way should have more clout.

If I mis-read the post then apologies, nothing meant by it but it did come across to me that you were "flush or nothing!" and everyone else should listen because I have a bajillion hits on my thread that should mean something. Well a bajillion misinformed idiots is just that, and not saying you or your post is just saying that your attempt to strengthen your point was geared that way from what I read.

I certainly did not see his attack on you saying flushing is wrong if that was the case.

Do what you want to do, its your meds or whomever is growing them its all the same, flush no flush, soil/hydro, 12/12 13/11, organic not organic.. so tried of all the this the correct way blasphemy posts, have an open mind try both ways do what works for you.

PS Sorry about the "bajillion" statement was an over zealous description of your response to heighten the point of throwing your thread in there to make your point, I thought you were cleaver enough to understand that and not go digging through the thread to see where you stated that. It's just my way of gently making my point with out actually being blunt about it. Hope this helps your understanding.



Well-Known Member
Someone asked if this was my 2nd grow attempt and I gave a bit of my history and background. Not sure what you read, might want to try reading and stop skimming before you jump on the hate wagon. Apology accepted.
But your point did embarrass me a bit and after re-reading what I wrote, I can see how arrogant it sounded (no matter why I wrote it). I don't need to use any of that to defend myself. I had to edit it.

I have always felt that folks should do what works well for them, and leave your mind open to new ideas and other people's opinions. If someone has great results not flushing, I am not going to tell them they are doing it all wrong and bash them for doing something that works.
Lets keep it a friendly dialog among growers and leave the personal attacks out of it. We all share a pretty cool hobby and a community of the best folks on earth.

BigBuddahCheese, very nice pictures, I don't see you as a big fat bragger for posting them, but a proud grower of some damn good bud. I have read through your journal (not every post) and like your setup. I would like to see more pictures of the whole setup from a few more feet back. Looks very clean.