When I first started growing I was under the impression that pre germinating in a paper towel was the way to go. 2 years later, the only seeds Ive had trouble growing were ones I pre germinated. I’ve had a damn near perfect (outside of my own neglegance) germ rate planting directly into medium or rockwoll cube. Besides breeding purposes and germinating large qauntities, what benefit if any comes from pre germinating? Seems like more of a risk than anything. Ie skin oil, proper mishandling.
I pre Germ in a paper towel after scarifying in a cup lined with sandpaper
I've done this for over 42 years
I do it because I normally pay big money for a few reputable seeds
landraces mostly and rares
doing so allows me to monitor the germing process
I scarify the seed
I then soak the seed in clean water and alleo vera juice
until it sinks (in horticulture this is called imbibtion)
then I remove to a colored(blue) kitchen towel (blue cause I wanna see that tail in the next 6 hours)
its now on the wait (in horticulture this is called 'the rest')
while this is going on I have prepped the 4.5 inch pot or rapid rooter to the correct temp and ph etc
once the radicle(tail) is 1-2 inches long and in good condition I gently move to a pot or rapid rooter
where it sits in a an incubator for the next few days
I do the above cause it g
uarantee 's the survival of the seed
and many times I've had to adjust to circumstances that have arisen surprisingly
good luck