Why red tips on pistils?


Active Member
does anybody know why the preflowers have red tips? The plant is two months old and is strictly organic. I water her once a day with about a gallon of tap water. She just started showing preflowers last week and this week some of the pistils have reddish tips. Is there something wrong. I have posted this before but haven't recieved any answers. Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
I believe its due to the oil or excess stuff on your fingers when you might rub against it. Its somewhat normal.


Active Member
a gal of water a day seems alot...how big are they? i use less than that every two days.. maybe overwatering?


Well-Known Member
pistil hairs come in yellow red and sevberal others bro you good dont worry yet a gallon a day is kinda excessive if u ask me but if your plant start to droop or yellow in color go ahead and ease off the water might be over watering


Well-Known Member
Oh, I didn't read all of your post until now. Yeah, a gallon of water a day.. I use maybe 3 cups of water per 3 days for a smaller plant and theyre fine for the whole 3 days. 3 cups = about 1/5th a gallon of water.


Active Member
i live in a very hot state and the soil gets dry fairly quickly. I have her in a 5 gallon clay pot and i also have a ph meter with a moistness gauge on it so i reg test the soil. She is a very healthy looking plant and i was just concerned that something was off. Thanks for the input doods. also does the 12/12 apply to outdoor, i have heard that nature will do what it should without astrict regiment of 12/12.