Why should anyone believe in Jesus, God, your religion, etc.?

I see many truths in astrotheology. Formulas with answers.

But with any belief system, we hope that "the truth will set you free", the question is, does it?

Great question. I have pondered that so many a time. Now I know the truth, and yes it has freed me beyond belief!
This knowledge is hiding in plain sight.

time complete.png
Follow Dorothy(Virgo), as the twister puts her off bearings and she lands on a witch(Libra). Leaving only cup shapes that turn out to be slippers. Following the yellow brick road, she gets back on path. Where she meets the Lion(Leo), Scarecrow(Scarab/Crab), and the T(w)inman(Gemini). She goes on to the land of Oz(x)-(Taurus), where she is led to the Wizard(Aries). Off to the West to kill the witch on a broom(Scorpio). Chased by flying mokeys shooting arrows(Sagitarius) she climbs a steep staircase(Capricorn) to find a bucket of water (Aqaurius). Splash the bucket of death on the witch and off to tap her slippers(Pisces) together. No place like home folks, no place like home.
As you state, you see true beauty in the geometrical shapes such as the sawastika, but the abuse of astrotheology has made it evil.

Just as this knowledge likely began with the Seth and passed on to his children, these were supposedly Gods gift of knowledge to man and were ment to stay close to that connection.

Once upon a time this knowledge needed to be hidden from evil men, hence the beginning of occult, which is as you say, hidden knowledge. So the gnostics, mystics, magi, etc kept it close, so mankind could continue to use it for good as opposed to evil.

But therein lies another issue, although the intention is to keep the knowledge for good, man was still the keeper and no man is safe from sin, and therefor used this knowledge for evil. Not so much the power to destroy as much as using it for the power of control. Secrets are never the way to enlightenment.

Jesus Christ and many others acknowledge the occult and this valuable spiritual knowledge in the Bible, but gives advice worth noting.

All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you—these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you. (Isaiah 47:13-15)

I think one can get consumed in the mathematics, which i doubt can bare much fruit to their spiritual enlightenment.

What fruit may come from the stories involved with astrotheology? Personally, I think it is a spiritual maze, to get lost in, perhaps falling away from perhaps the only savior. I dont disagree with the study of it, but one must be careful not to be consumed.

How does the stories explain the neccessary opposing force of good? It must exist yes, but what advice does it aide to man regarding good and evil. I hope it isnt to embrace both.

I studied quite a bit of freemason literature. It was actually what enlightened me. Not to astotheology, but Jesus.
Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the opening of the Torah. You must transcend your mind and thus your conscience if you are to attain Enlightenment; you must transcend that nagging little voice inside your head that casts you out of Paradise; the Ego is one clever little devil. Good and Evil are just perspectives in your mind but they have the power to torment your soul. Do not judge things; circumstances or situations, as being good or bad. The Eternal Present is absolutely perfect, accept perfection, accept paradise.
im pretty much a atheist but i would be willing to defend the right to religion if you get what i mean

my veiw on religion is that it has both benefits and bullshits

look at the 30 year war were the prodistents and catholics got in a war over it

look at the middle east right now

it causes unneeded wars

and personally i think its b.s. because it makes people more closed minded

but the benefits is,

it gives people hope

morals to follow

and most teach to spread love not hate

i take that into my life now i do say pretty homophobic shit and racist shit in a joking manner

and i dont see why theres assholes that truely hate people soley based on there sexuality or race i mean are you gonna have a short life or lose sleep because someone is gay???? or the pigment of there skin??? no so why worry about it you know what i mean

i think its kinda nasty (gay sex) but i believe everyone has the right to be happy just like in the declaration of Independence that our fore fathers wrote

"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" the three unalienable rights in america and it should be everywhere else too
im pretty much a atheist but i would be willing to defend the right to religion if you get what i mean

my veiw on religion is that it has both benefits and bullshits

look at the 30 year war were the prodistents and catholics got in a war over it

look at the middle east right now

it causes unneeded wars

and personally i think its b.s. because it makes people more closed minded

but the benefits is,

it gives people hope

morals to follow

and most teach to spread love not hate

i take that into my life now i do say pretty homophobic shit and racist shit in a joking manner

and i dont see why theres assholes that truely hate people soley based on there sexuality or race i mean are you gonna have a short life or lose sleep because someone is gay???? or the pigment of there skin??? no so why worry about it you know what i mean

i think its kinda nasty (gay sex) but i believe everyone has the right to be happy just like in the declaration of Independence that our fore fathers wrote

"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" the three unalienable rights in america and it should be everywhere else too

I like atheists who bring points such as yours and also respect certain aspects of religion. Also the other tyler in this thread.

As a Christian I am in agreement who those who make a bad name for us. For instance, condemning homosexuals and attempting to take away or not give them their rights. Or keeping them out of churches, so wrong. If a church is not open to ALL, it is likely not the church of God.

Jesus never spoke of homosexuality, so I dont much. I have many gay friends and while i dont believe any of them are truly happy(content or complete, really) i dont see them as a mortal sinner.

But, to agree with homosexual marriage, one must also agree with insestious marriage, as long as the subjects were both over 18, consentual, and not reproducing.

To say one is gross as opposed to the other is subjective and the atheist must agree to both. On the subject of reproduction, one can deny this, but when compared to homosexuality it is similiar in the sense that both are bad for reproduction. One doesnt allow it (homosexuality)(which may be worse for this agrument) and one degrades it(insest).
Honestly, I had never heard the term before this thread. I perused the wiki page, it seems interesting to a degree. At the end of the day it just seems like another instance of apophenia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia


i have an interest though, because it appears to have been around as long as man. and the elite still sponsor it.

but as i said before, seems like a spiritual maze getting lost in mathematics.

if God did or is communicating to man, it is not through this, for i doubt he would only communicate to elite, rich and/or extremely intelligent. The poor are too often discluded in false religion, doesnt make much sense.

i have an interest though, because it appears to have been around as long as man. and the elite still sponsor it.

but as i said before, seems like a spiritual maze getting lost in mathematics.

if God did or is communicating to man, it is not through this, for i doubt he would only communicate to elite, rich and/or extremely intelligent. The poor are too often discluded in false religion, doesnt make much sense.

Humans evolved to be very good at some things, one of which is pattern recognition. We're so apt at that skill that it often goes into hyper-drive to see patterns where none exist, and as a consequence, ascribe meaning to the meaningless. Those of us trained in critical thinking can be aware of these short circuits and irrational tendencies in an attempt to avoid their pitfalls, but we are seduced by their spell if not constantly vigilant. If there was an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent creator, logic and morality suggest that they would make their presence and guidance known in a way that was conclusive and indisputable. Just as us good parents do for our young children. Better yet, just biologically instill that knowledge into every sentient creature. Anything short of these things seems ineffective and wasteful at best, and cruel and petty at worst...
Better yet, just biologically instill that knowledge into every sentient creature. Anything short of these things seems ineffective and wasteful at best, and cruel and petty at worst...

couldnt have said it better myself.

Which kind of reminds me of something that was always odd to me, setting science aside, i always think how interesting it is, that humans, the only 'known' intelligent lifeform that (likely) evolved to be the only intelligent creatures on the earth, that evolved with such different facial features you can tell virtually everyone in the world apart, even twins if you look close enough.

While, almost every other creature in the animal kingdom doesn't even come close to human beings. And yes, I understand it was likely do to different races perhaps mixing so much that we got what we do today after breeding for thousands of years, similar to what we do with cannabis.

But the odds that a series a extremely unlikely (statistically) chemical accidents allowed life to form anywhere in our universe, plus the fact that the first intelligent lifeforms on earth evolved to be able to tell all XX billion people apart from eachother, when no other animal does or is require to. Did the fact we were intelligent enough to start to feel attraction to physical appearances as opposed to primate's primitive attraction to other qualities when selecting mates?
this idiots turning into the latest riu embarrassment more every day. don't post on his threads, you just make his mushroom mind more attention hungry. deuces.
But the odds that a series a extremely unlikely (statistically) chemical accidents allowed life to form anywhere in our universe, plus the fact that the first intelligent lifeforms on earth evolved to be able to tell all XX billion people apart from eachother, when no other animal does or is require to. Did the fact we were intelligent enough to start to feel attraction to physical appearances as opposed to primate's primitive attraction to other qualities when selecting mates?

We are really not sure what the odds of life forming are. New data is suggesting that in virtually any environment capable of sustaining life, life will inevitably form - https://www.quantamagazine.org/20140122-a-new-physics-theory-of-life/
Scientists have come close to creating a-biogenesis in the lab, I believe in the not-too-distant-future that HS students will start life as part of the curriculum - http://www.wired.com/2009/05/ribonucleotides/
And other newly discovered data hypothesizes life can have easier, humbler beginnings than we previously thought - http://www.newscientist.com/article...-metabolism-appears-in-lab-without-cells.html

As you say, humans rely heavily on our sense of sight even though human sight is far inferior to many other animals. Many other species also rely on sight to distinguish individuals from one another, and use sight as the main sense to choose mates and such. Other species use different senses such as smell and hearing as the main senses to choose mates, but all have the same criteria: to choose the strongest, healthiest mates in order for our genes to have the best chance of survival...
couldnt have said it better myself.

Which kind of reminds me of something that was always odd to me, setting science aside, i always think how interesting it is, that humans, the only 'known' intelligent lifeform that (likely) evolved to be the only intelligent creatures on the earth, that evolved with such different facial features you can tell virtually everyone in the world apart, even twins if you look close enough.

While, almost every other creature in the animal kingdom doesn't even come close to human beings. And yes, I understand it was likely do to different races perhaps mixing so much that we got what we do today after breeding for thousands of years, similar to what we do with cannabis.

But the odds that a series a extremely unlikely (statistically) chemical accidents allowed life to form anywhere in our universe, plus the fact that the first intelligent lifeforms on earth evolved to be able to tell all XX billion people apart from eachother, when no other animal does or is require to. Did the fact we were intelligent enough to start to feel attraction to physical appearances as opposed to primate's primitive attraction to other qualities when selecting mates?
We are not the only ones to make the connections or rely upon them. Birds won't likely fly on cloudy days, because they can't see the stars.
Bower birds build and decorate a bed chamber for mating purposes only. Some bowers are pyramid builders, others build domes that look like a straw hut. They also literally paint the interior with saliva. Flower petals are placed over the threshold for her, and are replaced as they wither!


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As you say, humans rely heavily on our sense of sight even though human sight is far inferior to many other animals. Many other species also rely on sight to distinguish individuals from one another, and use sight as the main sense to choose mates and such. Other species use different senses such as smell and hearing as the main senses to choose mates, but all have the same criteria: to choose the strongest, healthiest mates in order for our genes to have the best chance of survival...

but why was it necessary for homosapiens to evolve from the primate criteria to what we have today?

although primates have been found to use sight as a minor sense, they use other methods to choose mates.

why would we have the NEED to evolve in that area? that matches with darwins theory?
but why was it necessary for homosapiens to evolve from the primate criteria to what we have today?

although primates have been found to use sight as a minor sense, they use other methods to choose mates.

why would we have the NEED to evolve in that area? that matches with darwins theory?

I don't know if it was necessary that we evolved to rely so heavily on sight, I think that is begging the question. Evolution does not have intention or a certain goal in mind. Evolution by Natural Selection (EBNS) states that with a certain frequency, when genes copy themselves they mutate. Most of these mutations are detrimental or catastrophic to the organism, so it does not survive long if at all. Every so often, one of these random mutations proves to be an advantage in a given environment, so that mutated gene out competes the current gene pool. A popular theory is that cooking our meat is a main factor in our brains growing so large: by cooking meat we didn't require the extreme enzymatic action as other primates to break down raw meat, which is the reason other primates have proportionally larger and extended stomachs where ours are naturally flatter. Cooked meat is much easier to digest. I believe that it would be more advantageous if we had much better hearing and sense of smell, as well as better sight. But we obviously have done very well with our current limitations ;)

Here's a fantastic Nova 3 part series that allows one to acquire a good understanding of human evolution. It has great CGI and is fast-paced, and it's packed with hundreds and hundreds of pages of knowledge in less than 3 hours. Enjoy!

If religion makes a person feel better, gives them comfort, and helps them deal with the stress in their daily life, it does indeed serve a purpose. Put simply, religion is an attempt to wrap your head around the mysteries of the universe that you do not understand. Unfortunately like most things, once you enter people into the equation there is the tendency to deviate from trying to understand the truth of the universe to forcing what you believe on others, hence organized religion.

Everyone has a religion because everyone at their core seeks to understand the world around them. Fortunately not everyone follows organized religion. I am a graduate of Liberty University, and I started as a Christian. The more I learned about organized religion and Christianity in particular, the more I discovered I did not want to be a part of it.

Think for yourself and make up your own mind, and it is likely that you will not become involved with organized religion, but if letting others do your thinking for you gives you comfort, there is still a purpose in it.