Why so little growth?

I have been growing these little ones for about 3 weeks now and I am just wondering why they are so small. I have seen other peoples post after three weeks and they are much bigger.

Any suggestions?



Active Member
What you see people posting is usually clones. They will be bigger.

But your plants do look a little stretched (the one on the left) and the right one is struggling.

What are you using for lights, medium ?


Well-Known Member
What is your light and soil? What are the seeds of? It's a direct transfer of energy process... light, nutrients, water in combination equal good growth. Also cloning creates faster growth because they are already mature. They look healthy.
I have one 100 watt daylight cfl for each plant with a color temp of 6,500, I raised them a bit to get a good picture. The orange light in the background is my hps (separated from the babies) which is currently flowering a male :p, I just havent gotten around to pulling him out... I know thats this is not an ideal grow set up but I just don't have enough room.

Anyways for my medium I am using Foxfarm soil with a little extra worm casting mixed in and perlight. Im not sure what strain the seeds are but I got them from my friend who used seeds from the same batch and he got some killer bud. For water im just using store bought purified water, it has a perfect ph balance of about 6.7.


Well-Known Member
You should try some CFL's. Use you 100watt HPS for them. It's better for flowering but it's better as a veg bulb compared to the others. This will get them growing. Keep it about 18 inches away to start and then after a week you can increase it to around 8-12 inches depending on heat and your air circulation.


Well-Known Member
If you can't afford a metal halide or a conversion bulb depending on you balast you can certainly use it over the other types your using. You will be happier when you see how much more they grow. Kill that male and throw those little guys under your HPS :hump:


Well-Known Member
that plant on the left is stretched. If your cfl is 100 equivalent watts, that means it's only putting out 23 or 26 actual watts. 23W per plant is not nearly enough light at 3 weeks. You need 4 of those per plant. The CFL should also be as close to the canopy as possible without burning; 1-2 inches.


Well-Known Member
How high should I hang the hps above the plants?
hold your hand underneath the light above the plants. Does it feel uncomfortable? If so its too close. If not its either perfect or could be lowered a lil. Take it in steps to find the right height for YOUR plants and setup. Cfls are great, just need to get them within inches and also need to use the side of the bulb aimed at them, not the en which has little direct light compared to the side of a cfl..


Well-Known Member
They look like need water, more than anything. Looks like you've only been watering them lightly, in the center of the pot? The roots won't spread to the edges of the pot, if the edges of the pot never get wet. That effectively keeps the pot smaller, the rootmass smaller, and therefore...the plant stay smaller, or grows slower.

More light is always better, as well.


Active Member
when you water, do it slowly and water all around the pot, until it starts to leak from all your drainage holes. for the lights, i would put them under the hps and use the other bulbs for side lighting, turning your babes 1/4 turn each day. youll love the results, and theyll love you for it :)


Active Member
but yeh the slow growth is cause of the lights, i had the same problem til i got my mh and retired the shitty flouros


Well-Known Member
You should water them thoroughly, when you water, wetting all the soil, especially around the edges. Then, wait a couple days, or however long it takes for the top layer of soil to get dry. Alot of guys say to wait til the top 2" is dry, but I think that's too much, in a small pot like that. Yeah, it's a good idea once you get to a pot 2 gallons or larger, but not in such a small pot. I'd wait til the first 1/2" gets dry, to water again, then repeat.
Does it have something to do with the fact that they are small? Because I put one of those clfs over what is now a male when it was about 8 inches and fairly bushy and it grew high enough to start flowering in about a week.