Why so much hostility to newbies?

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My bad didn not think making a joke would cause offense. I just couldn't take that post seriously, i mean 1 month under a normal house hold light and no nutrients and THEN she decides to ask for help when it's pretty much, well on it's way to MJ heavan.

But i cannot speak up either, i myself am a newbie also, and greatly appreciate all the help i've come across here at RIU and just hope i can contribute in the years to come when my experience has risen.

No worries mate. I have seen a lot worse. And for what it's worth I also thought the poster was wasting time and seeds that could have been beautiful plants.
I dont see it much. I see it with people with around 50-300 posts. I used to be a dick to people on here alot. Now I just aim it toward other Mods instead of members lol
I have to agree I think most of the hostility comes from newer growers that have a grow or two under their belt and now know how to grow, their way and if it isn't their way its wrong. I am an old hippie, growing since 1968 still learning each and every grow. I guess when I know how to grow it well I will be dead, lol.
there are so many ways to get to the same result, just like carpentry or many other things lots of ways to get the same result. I try to offer advice, share knowledge on things I have found work for me, maybe not you but for me. I have never been a follower the leader type person more of let me read, study and practice what works.
I just feel and maybe I am totally wrong, I hope so that most of the world under 30 today just don't understand the principle of study and reading before posting. Yes, RIU is a self help forum and the best one I have come across, I love sharing what little knowledge I have gained over the years. I also, have a pet peeve of people basically refuse to read a little before asking for help? Maybe its government education that does this, just give me the info why should I work for it? Or maybe they just haven't learned to express a question. Yea I have a problem - I have looked all over the forum about my plant conditions, I think it could be this or that. Does anyone have another thought. But the help my plant is sick? I guess I am guilty of getting my panties in a wad but I just refuse to answer unless it is one of those days.
Thanks for letting me rant
I like this thread. I have been growing my own meds for years now and when I post to awnser a simple question its like I am ignored...seems pointless. Like am I supposed to do that 4000 times so people start to listen to me? I just dont understand. I joined recently and I dont even see the point of posting, I can see any thread I want which is plenty. If I make a grow journal, do I gain anything besides feeling cool?
By "the stranger", im not a cool senior grower or Mr.Ganja so disregard this post...
I like this thread. I have been growing my own meds for years now and when I post to awnser a simple question its like I am ignored...seems pointless. Like am I supposed to do that 4000 times so people start to listen to me? I just dont understand. I joined recently and I dont even see the point of posting, I can see any thread I want which is plenty. If I make a grow journal, do I gain anything besides feeling cool?
By "the stranger", im not a cool senior grower or Mr.Ganja so disregard this post...
First welcome to RIU I hope that you enjoy your stay. Please post your suggestions and knowledge even when ignored by some others will read and might find a nugget of knowledge they will use their entire life. Many of us older growers love hearing the lessons of others learned. People that understand and care will further research a problem and compare with advice received or look at that persons' other posts before accepting or rejecting the advice.
Once again welcome and a grow journal helps newer members show their skills and lets people know if you can grow or not - soemtimes, lol.
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!! I noticed the same thing when I first joined. Most of the RIU assholes that are guilty of this have like 3,428 post count. RIU is different than any board I have been on. If you aren't in the click or don't have 1,000 posts you get dumped on.
For all the faults you might see, RIU still has a better community than most other boards out there.. Just saying.
I dont get dumped on, but I fully believe I have been ignored alot. Seems like fewer and fewer responses to my posts or threads. I can only assume its because fewer people are seeing them.

I give my advice, and usually point out that its not the only way, it just works for me. i try not to be rude or condescending to others, I might toss out a one liner that gets taken the wrong way, but RIU does have its own snobs....
From time to time I have seen the kind of thing you guys are talking about and it does undermine the majority of peoples efforts here who have the experience and ability to share it in a positive way . I am a newbie and have a lot to learn , just can't let that stuff discourage me . I have got so much out of RIU members in a short time it's amazing how much there is to learn and how many are willing to share their experience with others . It's also threads like this one that show how this site is always trying to promote kick ass help for people like me who want to learn from those of you who are willing to help . Thanks - keep up the good work !
Well the problem lies as the new people asking for help that.. asking not searching to questions answered a thousand times prior. They come here and just want to be told the magic solution to grow cannabis so they can be the next Mrs. Botwin and sell it illegally. That's not how it works, ask any successful grower. It starts with research, reading, more research, trial and error, adjusting etc...

Now I am all for legitimacy in questions but 99% of new questions are answered in many stickies or found in a quick search. I think most the hostility is for the kids wanting to grow, people asking the same question a thousand times etc.. not the fact they are new growers.

It kinda boils down to administrators policing new questions and enforcing which is legitiment and which has been answered million times. I think this is where the breakdown first begins, then you have users chiming in acting like mods.
I know for myself I came to this site because I am sick. No need to throw my personal buissness out here, but the people were willing to help and thank G-D for them. I now try to help wherever I can. I think that is what this site is about helping other people ease their suffering. I have felt with some trolls but for the most part when I started I was greeted with open arms. I started a thread almost every day with some new question and I never would have succseeded with out their help. I am guilty of every once in awhile not being the most compassionate to someone who says my leaves are yellow help, but for the most part try to at least be decent. I miss that here, it can come back though I am sure of it. And for those who want to be dicks that's what we have toke n talk andother forums for the newbs are the ones I seem to learn the most from just by doing research to help them. Sorry for the ramble but this has been eating at me for the last couple of weeks as well.

i have to say, if i had thin skin i would have lef this joint day one... afterall, there are other boards thats out there where folks are sooooo happy and willing to help! i kept comming back because of the ass holes who tried to taunt me insted of because this was the place where i had found a home or friends... i was met with eggo, hate, and many attempts to discourage me... nevertheless, there were jus one or two folks here and there that did have compassion and who did attempt to shine some light down on me, for them? i thank god (the collective spirit of the peopple to people ecology)...:leaf:
I am a newbie and i am in the research stage. i am going to ask a lot of questions, because i dont know. I am joining this site because i do need the help. i hope that i can Find this forum helpful.
I have been on here for a couple years. I have always been treated with respect here and have met a few awesome dudes who have taught me quiet a bit.

But aside from that I do agree with OP and have seen it more here lately. You little bedroom grow thugs need ur punk asses kicked and banned from this forum, ur a slight disgrace to the community here.
Noob here...I have seen both sides of the coin on this fourm.

Had a problem a week or so ago with people going over board about me asking where i can get clones....on the flip side ive had plenty of help from people here about other matters.

I've learn a lot from this place and appreciate all who help!!!! thanks!
I am a newbie and i am in the research stage. i am going to ask a lot of questions, because i dont know. I am joining this site because i do need the help. i hope that i can Find this forum helpful.

you will find help here. you are doing it the right way, research first.
some people are just bitter IRL and it shows in their virtual personna. i am new to growing. i never got haters in the grow sections, NEVER. but then again i don't ask stupid questions, and yes there are stupid questions. the resources are here. i get a lot of help in the 600 club thread. they are very chilled over there and know their shit.
i am still trying to figure out how and why people get so upset and invested it the freaking internet. i mean do people's feelings actually get hurt by strangers they will never meet and have no connection to? i don't get it. maybe it's just me? :peace:
Well the problem lies as the new people asking for help that.. asking not searching to questions answered a thousand times prior. They come here and just want to be told the magic solution to grow cannabis so they can be the next Mrs. Botwin and sell it illegally. That's not how it works, ask any successful grower. It starts with research, reading, more research, trial and error, adjusting etc...

Now I am all for legitimacy in questions but 99% of new questions are answered in many stickies or found in a quick search. I think most the hostility is for the kids wanting to grow, people asking the same question a thousand times etc.. not the fact they are new growers.

It kinda boils down to administrators policing new questions and enforcing which is legitiment and which has been answered million times. I think this is where the breakdown first begins, then you have users chiming in acting like mods.

thats jus how you see it.... many of us jus dont know. some of us have never grew, have never researched, dont know where to go for correct information so, we turn to more experienced people to guide us along the way until we learn how to. maybe some people want magic, well, i only wanted suggestions and information. sure, the questions come off as a desire for magic, but when you think about it, magic is anything that you dont understand. misunderstood science. physics and so on... so, if thats a persons attitude, why open, read, and/or reply? why dont folks jus stay away and avoid newbies if they have a problem with them or their questions? why not leave it to the person with the time, patience, willingness and desire to help? i know why.... because many of you are haters. plain and simple. and my momma raised me knowing how to deal with people like you... i out do you i work twice as hard even if it means getting only 1/2 as far... then? i double it up and achieve what i will...
I will be the first to admit that I can be a bit of a dick with people who blatantly show they have done ZERO research leading up to their question.

However that being said. Those that know me also know that I will always help people even if I start off being a dick lol.

I was 2 weeks into flowering before I even joined this site and I got there by picking up magazines dedicated to indoor growing.

Alot of people seem to think that you need MJ specific growing info to grow MJ. Which just isn't true. Any indoor growing mag or book is gonna help you on your way it doesn't have to be specific to MJ.

It is true that as of late a lot of the newbs don't research that is why I will answer the question to the best of my knowledge and then infirm them where to look. For the most part a sticky is where I would send em. I also know the reason I got such a good response is I did my homework prior to posting
Well...personally, I think a lot are lazy. I love to help people, to pay it forward, but I wont help someone unwilling to help themselves. I hate when you get questions that show.a person has never even opened a grow book. I know we all needed help.coming up, but I was reading books and practicing for YEARS . I dont like thos question "can someone teach me to grow?" Sure, ed rosenthal, donny danko, semore buds, they can all teach you in their books. My knowledge, and others, jas taken years and thousands of dollars of hard knocks to get it "right" please dont presume I will give you it all so that you dont have to simply crack.a.book...
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