why so slow??


Active Member
Ya it take take a lil force for mi to get through it with my fingers nd I just noiced by me doing that, that my roots r really close to the top nd seems like there r growing side to side instead of down.... Should indeed frm the bottom so it makes them reach for it??? That's whatvi was thinking would help. But now I am thinking of going nd getting perlit nd re planting..


Well-Known Member
I had slow sickly growth at the beginning of my current grow using FOX Farm products. I checked the soil pH and it was over 7 added some pH corrected water 6.5 and the plant is really taking off. Based on my limited experience I would check the pH first.


Active Member
I didn't use any feeding on them till the other day on the 29th so i dnt think its that but i will c thanks for ur input


Active Member
I am thinking of repotting them nd mix sum perlit with my soil cuz I dnt think the roots r growing down I have them in a 3g bucket nd it looks like the roots are growing side to side...what to do!?!?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty much having the same issue. Our plants are the same age and its like they're supposed to be so much bigger. I added more light (total 26w CFL x 7) and I'm gonna try a different watering method. Are you still watering with a spray bottle or can now? I watered mine for the last time with my spray bottle yesterday and gonna get a can after they dry out over today n maybe some of tomorrow. I added a very small amount of nutes 20-20-20 to their water yesterday and it seems like they loved the extra kick. They're all pointing up more and are less droopy like.


Well-Known Member
I'd say from what i see on these forums, 99% of all seedling problems is people "accidentally" feeding them nutes by either using pre-nute soils, or giving them even a "light" feeding.. IMO i never feed my seedlings until the cotelydons fall off. more than likely a PH imbalance inhibiting the seedling from uptaking nutrients


Active Member
Im pretty much having the same issue. Our plants are the same age and its like they're supposed to be so much bigger. I added more light (total 26w CFL x 7) and I'm gonna try a different watering method. Are you still watering with a spray bottle or can now? I watered mine for the last time with my spray bottle yesterday and gonna get a can after they dry out over today n maybe some of tomorrow. I added a very small amount of nutes 20-20-20 to their water yesterday and it seems like they loved the extra kick. They're all pointing up more and are less droopy like.
Man tell me bout it.... I am just trying to stay positive saying they will get better but now the first true leave the ones afta the cotelydons r look a whitish color!! It'd looking worst... Any one no why they r turning that color


Well-Known Member
For your soil, are you using fox farms ocean forest or happy frog? Ocean alrdy has nutes in it so if ur adding extra to it then u could be burning it. I have happy frog and the smallest plant of my 4 got a small bit of yellow on a leaf the other day which im assuming is from the nutes. Maybe you should flush it and make sure ur soil isnt too heavily loaded. Ill post some pics of my babies later on. They look like they're doin a lot better than they were