Why so small?


Hey everyone....i will start with admitting that this is my first time growing...love it already, will definatly become a big part of my life in the future hahah....

alright, now to the problom...my plants are 1 month and 2 weeks old now (afghan kush) but they are still really small... they look healthy and everything though. I water them a little every day just so the earth is not dry about a finger down in it. I started using some fertilizer one week ago also...please see pic and give me some feedback...

maybe the pot is too small??? though i dont think so when comparing to other pics online

Ps. they are getting 12 hours of sunlight a day



Active Member
okay dude
1) use a bigger pot
2) water every 2-3 days
3) dont fertilize this young
4) set up a permanent place of light (or put it where you need to be)
hope this helps man :D


Well-Known Member
You've been watering too much and your soil must not be very good. That is extremely small for its age. Transplant it into a bigger pot with some good soil with perlite in it, and it should take right off. When you trans plant it bury the stem right up to the bottom node.
HOw does it get 12 hours of sunlight a day if its inside? Indirect light does not count lol Do you have a hole in your roof? lol It is stretched a bit so it does need MORE light to grow properly. CFL's work great. Good luck.


I live in scandinavia man....here in the summertimes the sun almost doesnt go down....just a few hours away in sweden they have the midsummer thing now...the sun is up for like a week without going down


Well-Known Member
Pots too small.. re-pot it and bury up to bottom leaves...then you should see some growth..if they don't have room it slows growing down... Luck.


hey...since im new i just have question again about something....what is the purpose of burying it up to the bottom leaves? i mean that wouldnt be natural to do with any plant, would it?


Active Member
hey...since im new i just have question again about something....what is the purpose of burying it up to the bottom leaves? i mean that wouldnt be natural to do with any plant, would it?
By burying it up to the first set of leaves you are forcing all of that excess stem to turn into roots....which makes for a sturdier - not stretched plant. Make sense? Once the stem is under dirt it turns into root. Nurseries often recommend planting tomatoes plants with even the first set of leaves underground....makes for a strong, bushy plant.

Hope that helps?