• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

The DEA has been waging this war against pot for so long they aren't going to back off in the blink of an eye no matter who tells them to and many are wingnuts themselves and hate Obama as much as they hate pot. Many are crocked and make great living shaking growers down. With Fox no-news spreading more lies and propaganda by the day and the repugnants blocking everything he has tried to do I wouldn't be surprised if it were not them behind the raids, they have infiltrated most state governments, and hey these DEA guys HATE POT. Some of the average cops on the street will say "just legalize it" but DEA agents are picked for their zealot like attitude towards drugs. And as a previous poster mentioned many of the growers are ignoring the limits and restrictions placed on them.

You can believe what you want, you can believe what ever the repugs propaganda network tells you to believe this week. I know which side has fueled this war from the start and they will continue to fight any attempts at legalization. The Republicans greed mixed with their ties to conservative religious extremists will always make them an enemy of the pot smoker. I HAVE NEVER MET A LIBERAL NARC. Ask any DEA agent if he is a liberal or conservative and I can promise you the most if not all will claim to be conservative. It is just in conservatives nature to force their way of life on others, they don't smoke pot (the people running the movement and the Republican party) so they don't want anyone else doing it. We all need to be good little christian drones and suffer through life for our sins but they also want us to be good little capitalists and buy our drugs from their corporations. Growing pot and not using their synthetic poison they call medicine makes you a socialist and not a capitalist.

I have never met a conservative that didn't try to rob me, narc me off, stab me in the back, fuck me over at work or lie to me. They are the main reason I quit smoking and growing because I live in a state run by those dicks.

Now I truly had never met a conservative who smoked pot either, until I came to this site I didn't know they existed. Maybe they are confused and are really Libertarians which is probably the case as it is with Ron Paul. The Conservatives I have been fighting for the past 30 years would just use this site to bust people not to help them learn to grow weed.

Some of you need to do some research into the history of the Conservative movement and what their true agenda is. Eric Prince (Blackwater) and Doug Coe (National Prayer Breakfast and The Family) would be a good place to start.

Hopefully you guys are just confused Libertarians who accidentally crawled in bed with some very very evil men who have a very evil agenda and you dont you truly believe in the Conservative Movements agenda, which has nothing to do with freedom and liberty I can guarantee you that.

I refuse to let some psycho religious fanatics tell me how to live. You may think the conservative movement is you average, yet very illinformed, joes, but you are wrong. You are just puppets for a much "greater" (more sinister) plot. Read the Family, Jeff Sharlot isn't some liberal, he was a very christian very conservative man until he found out what these people want. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know but it is a very intersting read and shows them for what they truly are.

Eric Prince, who now has the largest private army in the world has vowed to rid the world of all muslims and America of all none believers. George H. W. Bush once said and I quote "I do not believe atheists should be considered citizens of the United States". Doug Coe has been working to install a Christian only government based on the teachings of a 2000 year old book of fabels for the last 50 years. These people are well organized, very wealthy, ruthless and masters at the use of spin and propaganda.

That is the power behind the Conservative movement. You are just puppets who were fooled into thinking they offer freedom and liberty when repressive religous dogma is all they really offer.


Well-Known Member
If they wanted to do all that stuff you say (lol) then they'd have abolished free speech a long time ago. Add to the fact that Obama and all the leftists haven't done jack shit about reinstituting the (excuse me while I puke) "fairness doctrine" and censoring obviously very dispruptive plans they've already supposedly made (like your words) also would've been part of their plan also. Or does that somehow fit into their plan in some cock-eyed way too? Lol. No new laws have to be made in order to do it, only the swipe of a pen. You sound like a paranoid lunatic who's been reading too many conspiracy books about the end of days. The previous poster definitely has a legitimate point about lightening up. All this negative energy isn't good for your health, and projecting it on others is just as bad. Smoke a bowl and chill out already. Geeez.....
so I am the paranoid lunatic yet you say Obama and all the liberals are marxist leftists who want to socialize the whole country. Some vast left wing conspiracy to take your rights away.

Obvioulsy you don't even know what Marxism is. Since I and President Obama both own PRIVATE property we could never be Marxists or Socialists. You wing nuts are such lying hypocrits.

Seems like the homeland secruity bill that allowed wire taping with out warrant, denies habeus corpus, allows no knock warrants, torture of American citizens and much more, which, by the way was forced through congress at mindnight when half the people weren't even there, was a far greater threat to your freedom and liberty than affordable national health care (Oooooooooo that sounds so scarey when I say it).

So you are willing to believe that we are running some big conspiracy to socialize the whole country but you won't believe that your side is out to christianize the whole country even though they come out and admit it every day? Forced school prayer, the ten commandments displayed on government land, telling us who we can marry, which books and movies are christian enough for us to read, etc etc etc. In 2005 bush made it possible for Christian organizations who were using federal money (my tax dollars, not theirs because they don't pay taxes) to hire only Christian workers and deny others based solely on their religious belief, yet I, using my own money, can't deny a Christian a job based on his beliefs.

The issue of Net Neutrality is before the right leaning supreme court now which would kill freedom of speech on the internet by cutting bandwidth to sites like this in favor of corporate owned sites with more money, effectively handing the entire internet over to huge corporations and shutting down sites like rollitup, and the rightwing is behind this attempt. The Corporate personhood battle had been raging for over 100 years until Bush finally got enough wingnuts in the court to push it through when they had the American peoples attention diverted with "socialized medicine". 5 to 4 nazis over liberals. Now companies like CitiGroup which the Bin Laden Family own a controling share in can place ads on our TV's telling us who THEY want us to vote for, AND THEY AREN'T EVEN CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT THEIR SON KILLED 3000 AMERICANS.

Yes I am just a paranoid conspiracy theorist who got put on the NO FLY list for writing a poem about bush, I who was ostersized from his community and label a terrorist because I publicly questioned why we were attacking Iraq, I who was fired from his job because I posted Bush's lease to the Koon Kreek Klub (KKK hunting reserve in texas) on the internet, yes this was all just one big theory and I was just dreaming for the last 8 years.

Obviously you don't pay much attention to what goes on, you are to busy watching Fox and waving the flag.

Here's why I couldn't fly for 6 years, it's horrible and communist I hope it doesn't trun you into a socialist by reading it.

Twas the night before Ramadan and all through Iraq
not a creature was stirring not even a yak.
The trip wires were hung by the chimney with care
in case Saint Shrub tried to come in through there
The rag heads were nestled all snug in their beds
while visions of oil drums danced in their heads.
With Saddam in his turban, we wives in our thongs
we had just settled in for a few killers bongs
when out on the dunes there arose clatter
Saddam rushed to the window to see what was the matter
he tore open the curtains and throw up the sash
he leaned out the window and spilled his whole stash
the moon on the breast of the dessert below
had the luster of gold with a shimmering glow
When what to his Arabian eyes did appear
but an American fighter jet drawing up near
The smirking little pilot gave his chin a quick rub
Saddam knew right away it must be Saint Shrub
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came
he whined and complained and called them by name
Now Colin, now Ashcroft, now turd blossom and Rummy
On condi, on evans, on thompson and cheney
To the top of the palace down to the great hall
Now bombs away,bombs away, bombs away all
As the bullets and bombs like a hurricane fly
Saint Shrub saw an object falling from the sky
his eyes grew big as he flew near to the Scud
But not to worry it was just another dud
That Poppy had traded in the days of old
for some whiskey and women and Iraqi black gold
To the top of the palace his courser they flew
slipping and sliding on the oily black crude
and then in a clanking he heard on the roof
the sound of a Chinese made army boot
As he drew in his head and was turning around
Down the chimney saint shruby came with a bound
He was all dressed in gucci from his head to his foot
and his clothes were tranished with ashes and soot.
With a bundle of Euros slung over his back,
he paused for a moment to stare at our racks
With pointy big ears and his hands on his hips
and the ever-present smirk pursed on his lips
His eyes were so red you could tell he was stoned
what a greedy little bastard smoking it alone
with the roach still clinched tightly in his teeth
he took a deep puff of that killer green spleef
As he stared at we wives all standing in a row
He asked very bluntly if we’d suck for some blow
he looked at Saddam who gave him a wink
as he reached for the snorter hid under the sink
The party began with a hoot and a hollar
as saint shrub reached up to loosen his collar
when colin unfurled his mighty man hood
we knew right away this was going to be good
Only ashcroft sat on the bed al alone
he'd left his viagra on the dresser at home
as the orgy progressed like an episode of Lexx
Wolf Blitzer reported "war was averted" then joined us for sex.

Now that is denying freedom of speech, just like the kid that was arrested for wearing a No Bush Tshirt, or the 70 year old man who was drug out of his home by the newly formed Homeland Security after he called bush a criminal at the gym, or the wing nuts new idol sarah palin who bans books from the library because they go against the bible, of Hannity who said all liberal journalists should be imprisoned for questioning the facts behind the Iraq invasion, not the fairness doctrine which only says a network or radio station should give equal time to both points of view. You watch way to much fox noise. Read a book, go for a walk or something.

And yes I know there are no yaks in Iraq.


Well-Known Member
Rude?? How's that? I was also very clear making my point. I tried to do so in a very non-confrontational way. You're trippin.

Dude, you called him retarded. That's an ad-hom attack and rude.

bigtitlvr- "There is every reason to believe that the government would wish to curb radicalism and liberalism. Good Christian right American's let them get away with murder and rape of the any country with brown people they call evil."

Laughing? Research the CIA and general U.S. history while you're at it for information of violence and war perpetrated on brown people of this nation and every other. It will be sooooo funny.

This is the only statement that even comes close to some semblance of fact. I never claimed to be ultra-right wing, but I did say I was a conservative. What that means is, (not that you'll pay attention enough, OR CARE), i.e. when an issue comes up for a ballot vote, I take the time to evaluate whether or not that particular issue meshes with MY core conservative beliefs (and those of our founding fathers) and vote accordingly, unlike the sheep out there that need to be told which way to vote by their respective elected dumbshit, or preferred biased media outlet. But continue on, try as you might to paint me into corner. I'm not for legalization, but for decriminalization for one major reason- I don't want to see the entire central valley growing it by Phillip Morris. Got a problem with that?
This is not about you. And it's not about stereotypes. We're all talking about generalities, here. Gernerally speaking, conservatives are believers in god and against drugs...because their church told them to be. And generally, liberals are non-believers and liberal on drug policy.

If you don't fit into that mold, you could never run for President. To speak for the so-called conservative party, you have to be FAAAAR right. You have to win that base, first. Don't take it personally. But everyone here knows exactly what the conservative right is, except for you- arguing about how liberal your party is.
Well as much as I luv discussing politics with people who get their news from "I can see Russia from my house" Palin and Glenn Beelzabeck it seems it still raises my blood pressure and when your an old fart who just lost his insurance that can be dangerous, it was 120 over 80 before I started this thread and 156 over 94 today, just the thought of Bush and the wingnuts drives it up. so I must leave this thread that I started for more peaceful pastures.


New Member
Well as much as I luv discussing politics with people who get their news from "I can see Russia from my house" Palin and Glenn Beelzabeck it seems it still raises my blood pressure and when your an old fart who just lost his insurance that can be dangerous, it was 120 over 80 before I started this thread and 156 over 94 today, just the thought of Bush and the wingnuts drives it up. so I must leave this thread that I started for more peaceful pastures.

I hope you have the time of your life....