Why The Democrats Are The Party Of SLAVERY And VICTIMIZATION

Do you think denying service to people because of their skin color makes us more free or less free, klanman?

OMG Rob Roy is a KKK Klansman? Or is Bucky out casting aspersions again?
Its a giant pot calling the kettle black, but in this case the kettle is a kitten, soft and furry.
The means employed by both parties is forced compliance, threats of violence etc. The means is a component of the process, the end result alone is not the entire process and should not be characterized as such.

All the slavery talk is appropriate given that a persons association with a government is not voluntary, it is enforced by threats of violence....just like slavery is.

Its means democrats are as sharp as a marble. No one is forced to associate with the govt. I wasn't referring to anything international.

If you want to talk about slavery. Let's talk about 2000 years of slavery that my ancestors endured. Many were killed because of religious beliefs. They wete forced to build the pyramids and tombs ..

Then a couple thousand years later Germany tried wipe them off the face of the earth.

Unless you were or are a slave . There's no point in debating about slavery. I doubt you are over 200 years old.

You can only be offended if you acknowledge it. Or fall for the media propaganda lies they spew out everyday. They forgot what they learned in history class and made up their own what ever.
Its means democrats are as sharp as a marble. No one is forced to associate with the govt. I wasn't referring to anything international.

If you want to talk about slavery. Let's talk about 2000 years of slavery that my ancestors endured. Many were killed because of religious beliefs. They wete forced to build the pyramids and tombs ..

Then a couple thousand years later Germany tried wipe them off the face of the earth.

Unless you were or are a slave . There's no point in debating about slavery. I doubt you are over 200 years old.

You can only be offended if you acknowledge it. Or fall for the media propaganda lies they spew out everyday. They forgot what they learned in history class and made up their own what ever.

When I said the means, I meant the method of achieving something, the way something is done.

I did not intend the meaning as you inferred.

If you don't own your own body, you are at least partially enslaved. Mental slavery is rampant...break your chains.
When do you feel it is wrong to perform an abortion? Minutes before birth? When?

why do you think that that is what is being requested?: federally 24 weeks

no bombs; no murdering doctors and no closing women's centers.
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his KKK rhetoric about how the civil rights enslaves and rapes white people speaks for itself.

say, you oppose civil rights as well, just like a klanman would.
Having the opinion that governments should not force associations now = KKK racist who wants to dissolve civil rights so that we can make blacks slaves once again.

Hey bucky you know what it means when you call someone a racist don't you? Its the same thing as when you disparage homosexuality, it means you are a latent racist.

You ARE a racist. Stop trying to fool everyone that you aren't by starting another one of your false accusation crusades as an attempt to throw others off your trail.

You are a 12 year Stormfront founding member, lets not forget that.
Having the opinion that governments should not force associations now = KKK racist who wants to dissolve civil rights so that we can make blacks slaves once again.

how can a government force you to associate? everyone has the option to make their store private, klanman.

no need to have a meltdown just because we can all identify you as the racist you are.