Why The Democrats Are The Party Of SLAVERY And VICTIMIZATION

Umm lets see Bucky has falsely been calling people racists for 5 years now. RR has been calling bucky a wife beater for a week.

You surely wouldn't know an old hat routine if it bit you on your arse now would you?

no..i've heard the wife beater thing before..go ahead..cite it or STFU already..bucky cites.
I must disagree, I am not a racist and I call out racism whenever I see it.

It's the people that think racism doesnt seem to exist anymore I am worried about. Or the folks that say "slavery was a long time ago, get over it".

Any level headed person can see clearly that the fight for civil rights is deffo not over.

What do you think of "libertarians" who think civil rights are just the government forcing integration?
What if a trained psychologist that works with scarred women, people with a lower self image. If that doctor uses his skills to get those women to "consent" to sexual intercourse with him.

In your opinion would this be an ethical practice?

It seems like you would be ok with a child having the right to "liberate" themselves from their parents and auction themselves to the highest bidder.

I just dont fully understand this whole "forced integration" vs "consensual interactions" deal. I think there is middle ground.

Remember when I was turned away at the sports bar for the fact that I was wearing a "hoodie"?
Do you feel that was ok?

I think if a person gives actual consent it is different than consent under duress. What two adults agree to is not my business to control.

I would not have turned you away for wearing a hoodie, but I don't own the bar in question. I respect your right to own your property though and don't think I have the right to make you serve me or associate with me.

It seems like you think some people have the right to force another to serve them or interact with them. Why?
I think if a person gives actual consent it is different than consent under duress. What two adults agree to is not my business to control.

I would not have turned you away for wearing a hoodie, but I don't own the bar in question. I respect your right to own your property though and don't think I have the right to make you serve me or associate with me.

It seems like you think some people have the right to force another to serve them or interact with them. Why?

like rape?
You found someone who was forced to open a public business?

I've found multitudes of people that have been forced to feed you. You should at least send them a thank you card or something.

Also, how can a thing be two opposing things at once cognitive dissonance face ? If private property is under the auspices of someone other than the ostensible owner, hasn't it ceased being private property?

I think you are just mad because at the end of the day, your theories arise from force and mine don't. You have no moral high ground, you are standing in a swamp and think your shoes aren't muddy. By the way who bought you those shoes?
I must disagree, I am not a racist and I call out racism whenever I see it.

It's the people that think racism doesnt seem to exist anymore I am worried about. Or the folks that say "slavery was a long time ago, get over it".

Any level headed person can see clearly that the fight for civil rights is deffo not over.
Well there is calling out racism and then the WKI calls of racism. I am willing to bet that you, Shish, actually mingle with minorities and not completely isolate yourself from minorites and call others racist.
No doubt racism is alive all over the world from all races and probably always will be.
Hey dipshit, you never addressed the fact I DO NOT oppose people from any race engaging in mutually desired interactions.

So your post is underhanded and conveys a different meaning than my thoughts. Your inability to address what I'm actually saying is pathetic.

But you oppose civil rights. I think your words to describe it were "forced interactions" or "forced integration".

no..i've heard the wife beater thing before..go ahead..cite it or STFU already..bucky cites.

I am fucking with him , for being a dick and misrepresenting what I am and what I say. He started that bullshit not me.
He fails in arguments with me, so his only mode is to conflate and inflame, I understand that.

I don't know him to be a wife beater, just a floor shitter and a person that may harbor gerbils in dark orifices.
But you oppose civil rights. I think your words to describe it were "forced interactions" or "forced integration".


I oppose government intervention in human relations. I do not oppose humans choosing their own relations on a consensual basis.
I could give a flying fuck who associates with who, or who doesn't, it's not my business to decide that.

Clearly, you oppose humans choosing their relations on a consensual basis and are okay with a third party dictating what those terms will be. Your preferred means arises from force, mine does not, it arises from mutual and voluntary human interactions.
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You really do describe civil rights as forced interactions. You really do describe pedophilia as consensual. You really do describe my Veteran's disability among several other things as rape.

No I do not describe pedophilia as consensual, I've repeatedly said acts alone cannot describe whether or not the participants have consented.

Your veterans benefits arise from force and require forced redistribution....no way around that one for you...sorry.

Your maintenance is funded thru making black people forcibly pay money to support you. Are you descended from Plantation owners?










What is private property and why if something is private has a non owner dictated the terms of ownership?

Your question relies on a faulty assumption that a thing private can also be a thing public...cognitive dissonance face.
Oh, so you found someone who was forced to open a public business?

NO, I found millions of people forced to shift what WAS private property to a pseudo kind of oxymoronic government controlled property that is still erroneously called private property but really is no longer. Can you refute that? No, you can't.
NO, I found millions of people forced to shift what WAS private property to a pseudo kind of oxymoronic government controlled property that is still erroneously called private property but really is no longer. Can you refute that? No, you can't.

Land property rights come from government.
NO, I found millions of people forced to shift what WAS private property to a pseudo kind of oxymoronic government controlled property that is still erroneously called private property but really is no longer. Can you refute that? No, you can't.
