Why the hell are my plants drooping?


Well-Known Member
Will my plants die because of this? This is my first grow, and im just looking for someone to tell me everything is going to be alright lol...

I just watered my plants today (5 days since last watering) and they got droopy on my ass. Last watering was 5 days ago. I watered today giving them water til I saw it out the bottom of the pot.

Im not sure if these addatives that im using fucked them up?
"earth ambrosia" + "earth nectar" is what i gave them.

I hope they dont die..ill be pissed as hell


Well-Known Member
I dont ever use anything other than ph'd water for about 2 weeks. I dont even use superthrive


Well-Known Member
I dont ever use anything other than ph'd water for about 2 weeks. I dont even use superthrive
Glad you decided to give personal information without answering my question, but seriously they started droopin in like 4 fukin hours..

I hope when I wake up tomorrow their not dead or wilted the hell over...
Shit i was suppose to start 12/12 fri:evil:


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using? how much perlite? since you say you were ready to flower in a few days then I would think you have a good idea of when your plants need water....

note: I usually go by weight of the pot (or bag) to decide when to water. When it's time to water the soil will be significantly lighter than when it's saturated. So if it's not an over watering/underwatering issue i would look next to ph. Then if it's not Ph then possibly too many salts/too much nutes. If it's a problem outside of that then well I can't help you much but maybe somebody can.

But basically I suggest you give as much info good or bad about your plants. If you have (or haven't) done something that could effect your plants then don't be embarrassed to say so. Give all the info you can & do it quickly, & hopefully someone can help you. But it's important to give all the info you can & do it quickly.

good luck to ya


Well-Known Member
IMO Boneman was trying to tell you not to use anything on them when they are that young. Just ph'd water, you may have fed them too much, or like ODGROP said too much water. I think they should be fine just watch them for a couple of days. As a first time grower we tend to over mother them to death remember they can survive a lot of shit before they actually die. It's hard to leave them alone and not worry but try it. And here is some of my personal info. I think your plants are too small for 12/12 unless I'm seeing things I like mine to be big and bushy before I sex them IMO


Well-Known Member
Probably just overwatered, they should perk back up in a day or 2.
Thanks man.... I have a question though..

Is "overwatering" adding too much water on a consistent basis


Add the water until it comes out the bottom of the pot?

They never dropped like this before and i KNOW its because of the shit i gave my plants....


Well-Known Member
If the soil was dry enough to be watered then it would be hard to over water them, so its more of a too much water too soon thing. The reason too much water is a bad thing is because the roots can't get any oxegen and are basicly being suffocated, which is why I mix 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxcide per gallon of water before I water my plants.

It very well could be the shit you gave them if they dont perk back up in teh next day or two I would flush them with the peroxcide solution I mentioned before.


Well-Known Member
If the soil was dry enough to be watered then it would be hard to over water them, so its more of a too much water too soon thing. The reason too much water is a bad thing is because the roots can't get any oxegen and are basicly being suffocated, which is why I mix 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxcide per gallon of water before I water my plants.

It very well could be the shit you gave them if they dont perk back up in teh next day or two I would flush them with the peroxcide solution I mentioned before.
duddde there back up and ALIVE:joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
i always water mine every 3-4 days and use enough to get a drip out the bottom of the container mine usually droop when they want more water and i can feel the container is light as a feather as someone once said... to get use to how to tell my weight i filled a empty pot with fresh soil dry not wet and held it up then grabbed my planted pot... when it feels like the empty one with fresh soil i water... also use the finger and inch into the soil to feel for dampness if its flakey dry i water... but mostly try to stay every 3-4...


Well-Known Member
If the soil was dry enough to be watered then it would be hard to over water them, so its more of a too much water too soon thing. The reason too much water is a bad thing is because the roots can't get any oxegen and are basicly being suffocated, which is why I mix 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxcide per gallon of water before I water my plants.

It very well could be the shit you gave them if they dont perk back up in teh next day or two I would flush them with the peroxcide solution I mentioned before.
peroxide in ur water? that doesnt kill em? what is that supposed to do anyway if it is good for em?


Well-Known Member
Don't add peroxide to the water. It will cause more harm than good. Peroxide should only be used as a last resort to an otherwise unfixable fungus problem. Your problem is underwatering. In my case, I need to water my plants every 4 days. If I don't, then when I wake up on the 5th morning, my plants will be droopy as shit looking like death. Heavily water them every 4 days and you'll be fine.