Why use a tent if you have an empty bedroom?


Active Member
Just wondering because i see so many growing in tents. I understand that you would need bigger fans and filters to exhaust the room. As well as a few light barriers over windows and doors, but what are the other benefits of growing in tents. I see people buying these really expensive tents and placing them in empty bedrooms and i just dont get the logic. I'm probably missing something so thats why i ask..


Well-Known Member
i just bought one only so i can keep my vegatative growing/mother plants in my cool basement with my flowering plants . it helped alot moving everything from an upstairs bedroom down there almost 13f drop in temp , summer months only . when the season cools i could possibley move em up but im not . also i like the idea that all the light goes to the plants and doest have to travel far to bounce off walls so your getting more out of your light as to using a bedroom . thats my opinion hope it helps


Well-Known Member
The smaller enclosed the enviroment the more control you have over the climate. It's easier to dial everything in. It's nice for using co2 as well


ive always found using a room causes me paranoia with the heat ive vented trough the loft out of an old heating outlet but the front wall off the room also the window give off a massive heat signature.
We now have police roaming the streets with handheld heat cameras and knicking people with grows everywere.
its hard to hide the heat from 3000 watts of light also the amount of electricity that is used is suspect.
especially when they monitor the power network and any unusal surges are flagged in a given grid then they can trace the cable using imaging cameras and folloe the hottest right into the wall of the house using it.
and when its on a cycle its a dead give away so a tent for personnel use is a good one for me but for those who want to risk it you goforit. P.S im in the UK so stealth is a must.


Well-Known Member
P.S im in the UK so stealth is a must.


Tents offer the grower an easier way to control the environment.

Reflectivity is increased.

It's easier to get rid of the warmer air by dispersing it throughout the house instead of it being localized..Essentially IR cameras see the heat of a surface, if you have your setup as a tent in a room and you extract the air away from that room, the rooms outer surfaces will not be any warmer than the rest of your house therefore the IR camera doesn't notice it.

Tents are generally very air and light tight.

I personally would construct my own grow tent as it's WAY cheaper than those bud boxes etc.
Tents are awesome you can put 4 in one bedroom run different cycles do some organic some Hydro.I have one in Veg one in Bud & a Mother I have 3 in a Bedroom daisy chained the ventilation its extremely quiet I still have room for my bed.:peace:




I personally would construct my own grow tent as it's WAY cheaper than those bud boxes etc.
Definatley make ur own i bought a budbox and the zips busted within a week and it pisses light everywere so self build is the way togo the refelective sheeting is amazingly cheap. :hump: