Why vaping is the dumbest thing ever??

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I'll admit it. I'm a bandwagon jumper who spent a large amount of cash because I just had to have a volcano. When I started growing it was because I couldn't afford to spend a lot of money buying weed. Then once I had a supply I thought a vaporizer would make it last longer which is not true. My old lady still bitches today about the 400 beans I dropped that time & now it sits in a corner collecting dust. Once I discovered making concentrate my whole attitude towards vaporization changed which is what I believe your point is: that vaping concentrate is far superior to vaping flowers which are much better smoked IMO
Oh and I used an ejuice nicotine vaporizer to get over my addiction before I finally quit BUT quitting smoking still required much willpower- the vaporizer just made me realize I didn't need to smoke cigs anymore...so I think there is a place for vapers in that realm as well but if you are gonna smoke weed just smoke weed unless you've got black lung or some other respiratory ailment
I just got a Volcano a couple months ago for my birthday, my lady wanted me to cough less. It was my 3rd vape after a Vape Bros and a Magic Flight Box, both I still have but never use. All make the herb taste incredible but only the Volcano gets me blazed like smoking.

Another issue about vaping for me is that I end up inhaling out of a turkey bag, which is weird and sucks- like any method of smoking that requires a contraption. In general I like simplicity in smoking, and mostly flowers too.

It might be odd but I cough more from the Volcano even set at 6 than I do burning joints, bowls or bongs. When hitting the Volcano more than 2x I get a burning in my throat, always right at my adams apple, and others in the smoking circle do too. What gives with that?

Far as saying vaping is better for concentrates, the only concentrates I use is pressed dry ice kief so I'm no expert. But still I prefer burning kief or hash in a pipe to vaping in a Volcano anyday.

Vaping is so cool in theory, but it doesn't give me the buzz or experience I want, the one I get when smoking flowers.

So yeah, I'm a Fuck Vaping voter.
A personal opinion-

If i could, I would only do edibles and then just in the evenings, shrooms once a month and maybe a little dabbing but i can't obtain these at all.

Epens helped me get off the tobacco several months back but now it's time for me to quit those too. As the article suggested, its still a nervous addiction!

In recent years my interests have changed from being a couch locked pothead to running 5-10 k several times a week, swimming, cycling, calisthenics and boulder climbing, smoking 'anything' is a drain on performance, motivation and good health.

The friends I once thought cool are all grown up with smoking related health problems and don't look great, the people I admire most now are active sporty types who treat their bodies like temples.

so in short i say, do whatever 'YOU' want and makes you happy but ask 'Will you be wanting to still do 'THAT' in 5-10 years time? it's something one should ponder.
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Medically speaking, smoking anything should be looked at like using an inhaler. When your regular medicine(edible or tincture) doesn't work, IMO take a dab for instant relief (your "inhaler")
Recreational speaking, I vape oil all day.
The vape scene seems to be high schoolers showboating or grown adults who think it is healthier than smoking flower.
I like the clean taste of a vape vs paper, and I think the herb lasts longer. Way safer to use at a concert (not a Volcano, I use a Pinnacle) so I find that it has it's place in my smoking arsenal of pipes and bongs.
I think we need to separate the vaping of straight herb and E-juices. With herb, I have a decent vaporizer and admittedly only used it a few times. Too much of a pain vs packing a pipe for me. I bought one of the pens as well and it didn't work for me at all.

Now to E-Juices. I haven't had a cig in a year and even when drunk, have no desire for one. During that same year I stopped using any tobacco flavors and have reduced my nicotine level 75%. In another couple of months it will be down to zero. So I am a huge proponent as it is the only thing that worked for me and I now that now, if I went cold turkey and said "fuck it", it would be my vape I reached for, not a cigarette.

My THC E-Juices are a godsend. No troublesome smell. No more exhaling through a paper towel so my office doesn't stink (for my kids, I work from home). I can take a few puffs in the living room and it seems like my nic juice. I can travel with it without fear of being arrested. In a hotel, I can get high in my room. And of course no carbon monoxide.
Many tens of thousands of vaporizers are sold and used. Obviously someone likes them.

I like them and vape twig mostly. I vape off the meds I want and toss the rest. Maybe make a tincture with glycerin and the vape leftover
I use my e-torch for vaping flower, hash, kif, and oil. I think it works really well, it's almost like the sublimator without the $1000 price tag. I do both, combust and vape.

As far as vape pens go, they are ok but not for me. Doesn't seem to hit me like a real hit for some reason.
THC is the first to vaporize, followed by the rest of the cannabinoids in order by temperature of vaporization. So inaccuracy is a problem. Combustion guarantees all cannabinoids. Granted, if you know how to set temperature right and can work the damn things... you're more apt to get the full aray. My favorite form of vaping (if I had to pick) is my PEG 400 shatter mixture in a standard e-pen. Need more aggressive coils though... I ought to just use a dripper instead.
Personally, I don't want all of the cannabinoids. That's why I vape during the day. That last bit = couchlock. OK at nite, but (for me) not during the day. It's a piece of cake to vape off just what you want. You definitely don't need a thermostat

Also, I avoid the carcinogens associated with combusting organic material.
I think Vapes are good. Better for the lungs in my opinion and also use less bud to get you medicated. i like them for the daytime, i save combustion for a few evenings of the week :)

I also like that the active ingredients vaporise at different temperatures. this means i can chose what kind of effect i get with my vaporiser (arizer solo) level 3 is nice and buzzy but a second round on level 5-7 get you more couched/mellow.

The end product can be easily used in cooking or as a tobacco replacement for those times where you just want a good old Biff. so nothing is wasted :)

anyway each to there own but i found my lungs are much more clear now i have not been burning every time i medicate.

good discussion, nice to hear other peoples thoughts.
I find that vaping twig hardly decarboxylates the THCA thus likely accounting for the lack of the same stone one gets from pyrolysis. In fact, vaping ceases to be vaping and becomes combustion at temperatures required for instantaneous decarboxylation.

I never get where I want to be from vaping twig.
Back to the Arizer ExtremeQ for me. Just started getting back to the gym and I'm dieing doing cardio. In the past when I switched to vaping only, my cardio went much better. I do miss the 'sootiness' from combustion so maybe as a treat I will still do a bong once in a while. Use the vape as the mainstay. I vape between 374-399F depending on the weed, my mood, etc.
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Combustion is 415F.

Vape temps are lower, but you don't need combustion temps to effectively decarbox:

Also, the Vape weed is still in the device, so you get many turns at extracting. It's pretty efficient.