why vegg longer


Well-Known Member
YOu just joined in APril 07 you FUCK FACE!!!! Too bad your don't know about the other site.... Find me if you can ASSHOLE!
Ahhahahaha, haha, hahaha ... Funny shit ... The 'other' site, there's hundreds of 'other' sites.
And what's join date got to do with anything? If I joined last week, but have been growing for 30 years, does that make me less knowledgeable than the person who joined 2 months ago, and has been growing for 1 month?

Have some respect for those more knowledgeable and experienced than you, they're who'll teach you the real secrets of growing for maximum yield and potency.

Be careful of one of those FIM guides in the GrowFAQ, it says it's a guide on how to FIM but it's actually a guide on how to LST ... I asked some mods to look at it but don't know if they ever did.

Oh, and I doubt anyone here would even bother looking for you on another site, I'm sure all of us have far better things to do.

Cheers all!