Active Member
I love how certain people tend to think Bush never did anything wrong.
(No WMD found, no reason to go in to iraq, fuel prices surged for 7 straight years, outed spies, took away some of our rights with the patriot act, etc etc)
Then Obama comes in to office (oh god, he is not a crusty old white man, that means he is the devil. runnnnnn!!!) and actually does some shit worth while to people, and nutjobs come out of the woods and spout any vile comment their pea sized brains can come up with (socialist, not born here, death panels, admitted to using pot, oh and he is black).
Since he took office he has done great things, but you don't have to take my word for it:
From reporter Anthony Samod:
Now, if this information is true about the moon, and this no fuel, etc etc, where are the reports? Why has this not gotten any media attention?
(No WMD found, no reason to go in to iraq, fuel prices surged for 7 straight years, outed spies, took away some of our rights with the patriot act, etc etc)
Then Obama comes in to office (oh god, he is not a crusty old white man, that means he is the devil. runnnnnn!!!) and actually does some shit worth while to people, and nutjobs come out of the woods and spout any vile comment their pea sized brains can come up with (socialist, not born here, death panels, admitted to using pot, oh and he is black).
Since he took office he has done great things, but you don't have to take my word for it:
From reporter Anthony Samod:
Not to mention a little thing called health care reform. Something over due in this country for about 60 years.
- Ten: President Obama has slowed down the recession. Nobody is talking depression anymore, and some are talking recovery. Trying to catch this economy from crashing was like trying to catch a 100 ton boulder dropped off a 70-story building. The nertia alone is going to push you backwards until you can slow the force. Most wouldnt even step in front of a boulder coming at them like this. Obama stepped in the gap and stuck to a measured recovery plan of stimulus dollars and labor force transition.
- Nine: President Obama saved Wall Street. And Wall Street tried to punk him by paying itself first. He exposed the absence of regulatory oversight on Wall Street, and economic and financial investment reform is being discussed like never before.
- Eight: President Obama saved the collapse of the American automotive industry. By making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry, he saved the industry. People want to make jokes about cash for clunkers but the automakers arent laughing. Theyre thanking him.
- Seven: President Obama shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Aftghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along-but now they want to say hes making war, not peace. Well, at least he didnt destabilize a whole region on a false premise. Its better than what we had.
- Six: President Obama relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world. This was more serious than the previous administration was willing to let on. The President made good on his promise to make a major address on American-Muslim relations and he did it in a Muslim country, showing a good faith that America hadnt shown in a while.
- Five: President Obama closed the prisoner torture camp at Guantanamo Bay. Holding prisoners for eight years without charging them was acceptable under the previous administration. It is not acceptable under this administration. Obamas next challenge is what to do with the detainees.
- Four: President Obama has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation. The era of polluting industrialists is over, and with a President that understands the benefits of green conversion, America can become a leader in the industry of the future.
- Three: President Obama has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part. Its what any President should be encouraging but Obamas so popular, he was accused of trying to socialize or prothelitize the children. Its a sad day when the President of the United States cant speak to school children because their parents views conflict.
- Two: President Obama is on the verge of passing universal health care, with a public option, to insure everybody in America has care when they are sick. Hes doing it, despite villification of ideologues and while in the midst of an H1N1 epidemic where millions could get sick this winter. The people feel him on this.
- One: President Obama has restored credibility to the American Presidency where the world is looking to him to lead America out of unilateralism and back into multilateral global cooperation. The Nobel Peace Prize was an acknowledgment that Obama had led and is leading a non-violent cultural revolution in America. Everybody, except for a few in America, can see the change. Still, the world understands what happened one year ago, and they thought theyd never see such a shift occur. The election of Obama helped the world see the light that America wasnt ready to self-destruct.
Now, if this information is true about the moon, and this no fuel, etc etc, where are the reports? Why has this not gotten any media attention?