• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why we really aren't going to the moon....

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Active Member
I love how certain people tend to think Bush never did anything wrong.

(No WMD found, no reason to go in to iraq, fuel prices surged for 7 straight years, outed spies, took away some of our rights with the patriot act, etc etc)

Then Obama comes in to office (oh god, he is not a crusty old white man, that means he is the devil. runnnnnn!!!) and actually does some shit worth while to people, and nutjobs come out of the woods and spout any vile comment their pea sized brains can come up with (socialist, not born here, death panels, admitted to using pot, oh and he is black).

Since he took office he has done great things, but you don't have to take my word for it:

From reporter Anthony Samod:

  • Ten: President Obama has slowed down the recession. Nobody is talking depression anymore, and some are talking recovery. Trying to catch this economy from crashing was like trying to catch a 100 ton boulder dropped off a 70-story building. The nertia alone is going to push you backwards until you can slow the force. Most wouldn’t even step in front of a boulder coming at them like this. Obama stepped in the gap and stuck to a measured recovery plan of stimulus dollars and labor force transition.

  • Nine: President Obama saved Wall Street. And Wall Street tried to punk him by paying itself first. He exposed the absence of regulatory oversight on Wall Street, and economic and financial investment reform is being discussed like never before.

  • Eight: President Obama saved the collapse of the American automotive industry. By making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry, he saved the industry. People want to make jokes about “cash for clunkers” but the automakers aren’t laughing. They’re thanking him.

  • Seven: President Obama shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Aftghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along-but now they want to say he’s making war, not peace. Well, at least he didn’t destabilize a whole region on a false premise. It’s better than what we had.

  • Six: President Obama relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world. This was more serious than the previous administration was willing to let on. The President made good on his promise to make a major address on American-Muslim relations and he did it in a Muslim country, showing a good faith that America hadn’t shown in a while.

  • Five: President Obama closed the prisoner “torture camp” at Guantanamo Bay. Holding prisoners for eight years without charging them was acceptable under the previous administration. It is not acceptable under this administration. Obama’s next challenge is what to do with the detainees.

  • Four: President Obama has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation. The era of polluting industrialists is over, and with a President that understands the benefits of green conversion, America can become a leader in the industry of the future.

  • Three: President Obama has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part. It’s what any President should be encouraging but Obama’s so popular, he was accused of trying to “socialize” or “prothelitize” the children. It’s a sad day when the President of the United States can’t speak to school children because their parent’s views conflict.

  • Two: President Obama is on the verge of passing universal health care, with a public option, to insure everybody in America has care when they are sick. He’s doing it, despite villification of ideologues and while in the midst of an H1N1 epidemic where millions could get sick this winter. The people feel him on this.

  • One: President Obama has restored credibility to the American Presidency where the world is looking to him to lead America out of unilateralism and back into multilateral global cooperation. The Nobel Peace Prize was an acknowledgment that Obama had led and is leading a non-violent cultural revolution in America. Everybody, except for a few in America, can see the change. Still, the world understands what happened one year ago, and they thought they’d never see such a shift occur. The election of Obama helped the world see the light that America wasn’t ready to self-destruct.
Not to mention a little thing called health care reform. Something over due in this country for about 60 years.

Now, if this information is true about the moon, and this no fuel, etc etc, where are the reports? Why has this not gotten any media attention?


New Member
I don't cotton to all that Bush did.... although I could take that argument aprt piece by piece, I'll let it slide, because the past is the past.

This is the future however. Now Obama has sealed our economic fate with health care welfare and other entitlements (which produce ZERO jobs).

This however, is the worst thing I have come across that Obama has done. The biggest crime against the American ppl ever.... heck, the entire planet would have benefited to no end!!! It's hard to comprehend what Obama has taken away from us.

Bush did the right thing by us with this space program commercial venture. he sure wasn't perfect, but he was always thinking of how to move the country FORWARD.

Obama is intent on keeping us all BACKWARD!

He needs to go in 2012. We cannot afford such a wasteful person in such a high office.

EDIT: Okay, let me clarify the issue for you.

Helium-3 is a radiation FREE isotope which does not exist on earth...at all. It will give the entire planet at least 400 years of totally CLEAN FUSION energy! No need for Yucca Mountain (another hideous scandal) storage of spent uranium.... it's CLEAN and not radioactive. It's the next GIANT leap in energy. Obama knows this and has DENIED it to us ALL! Criminal!!


Well-Known Member
im really disappointed on how this thread turned out.... :(
anyone with any interest in physics can tell you we cannot overcome the Coulomb Force yet in a manner that is financially viable. in fact the only times we've been able to create such heat and pressure is at the center of a thermonuclear chain reaction that is initially boosted by an injection of tritium/deuterium. the injection of the D/T into the detonation chamber produces an abundance of neutrons that in turn 'boost' both the fission and fusion reactions that in this point in the reaction are still occurring in parallel. this 'boosting' increases the efficiency of the fusion reaction which allows it to accelerate into a thermonuclear chain reaction. it is the very basis for a multistage warhead...
this has been known since the 50's when the first musings of fusion power were being tossed around seriously by Bohr and the rest of em.
serious feasiblity studies where undertaken then on building fusion power reactors based on the tritium principle (decay = energy) not for private/commercial energy generation, but to supply the massive amount of power needed to produce enrinched uranium. this was during the absolute height of the cold war. things were percieved to be urgent.
it was discovered (or more accurately pointed out) that to be able to produce enough energy to make this technology viable, the tritium reaction could only take place under enormous heat and pressure. the type of heat and pressure that takes just as much energy to produce and maintain said heat and pressure.

i laugh to myself when i see threads like this... people get the idea that all you have to do is dump some trith on the ground and presto! free energy. it simply isnt that easy.

there can be no reaction without equal and opposite reaction.

again, basic physics :wall:


New Member
I'm sorry but the cost of the program is a DROP in the bucket to what he is spending now. No dice there.

Obama would again, have us look INWARD. We need to be looking OUTWARD!

This is a HUGE step forward, and by knowingly killing it....Obama has condemned us to energy and environmental political control.

That is why he did it.

Obama isn't about improving the lot of the country, he is all about CONTROLLING the lot of the country. It's criminal!
Of course it HAS to be something evil and nefarious. Why? Because it is Obama, and Teabaggers don’t like Ni**ers. Of course Obama is Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Liberal, Destroyer of Society, and the Anti-Christ. :o :o

Also, for those who thought that the Space Shuttle would be used for this, think again. The Shuttle was designed for earth orbital missions. It was NEVER meant for travel outside the earth orbit. :dunce:

Why would Obama cancel the mission? Several reasons: It is fiscally responsible. We have been there, and should be looking to develop more advanced technologies. Money will be better spent in other areas of the space program. :clap:

I tell you, to the righties, everything Obama does is some deep, dark, evil conspiracy. Get a life. :fire:


Well-Known Member
I don't cotton to all that Bush did.... although I could take that argument aprt piece by piece, I'll let it slide, because the past is the past.

This is the future however. Now Obama has sealed our economic fate with health care welfare and other entitlements (which produce ZERO jobs).

This however, is the worst thing I have come across that Obama has done. The biggest crime against the American ppl ever.... heck, the entire planet would have benefited to no end!!! It's hard to comprehend what Obama has taken away from us.

Bush did the right thing by us with this space program commercial venture. he sure wasn't perfect, but he was always thinking of how to move the country FORWARD.

Obama is intent on keeping us all BACKWARD!

He needs to go in 2012. We cannot afford such a wasteful person in such a high office.
How is the moon completely clean again, I missed your response.


Wow, what a horrible president...

Improving health care WILL create jobs. Let's not be silly. ALSO, employee's get health care through work mando now, so that's pimp. NO, the employee's don't pay any more than before. NO, the president isn't forcing you to do SHIT! Unless you're stupid enough to walk around without health care in which case, sit down before you hurt yourself!

Go to the white house web page and read what the bill is doing.

Hey CJ, if you're making more than 40,000 a year, you are holding the right position. But if you don't, you're mistaken my friend.


Well-Known Member
let me remind you this isnt obama vs bush were talking about

were talking why arent we going to the moon, and i stick to my answer from before; its all about MONEY


Active Member
I understand, but the proof is in the pudding and so far no one has showed hard proof to the reason we are not going to the moon. Sounds like just Obama bashing to me.


Well-Known Member
Helium-3 is rare on earth, but it is on earth...so the " at all" statement is incorrect...once again Cracker you have proven yourself WRONG


Well-Known Member
Back to the point, there is too much research left on energy sources right here on earth.

• Helioculture: The idea is to create hydrocarbons with a little help from the sun. Brackish water is combined with photosynthetic organisms, nutrients and carbon dioxide and left in the sun. This process results in hydrocarbons that are ready for use a fuel -- not refining necessary.
• Sewage: Our waste can...reduce waste. Using microbial fuel cells, sewage can be used in bio-electrochemical systems to create power. In fact, Norway has plans to begin using human waste to power the buses in Oslo.
• Evaporation: Apparently, scientists are working on ways to harness the difference in electrical properties that exist between air and water. In order to make this work, a special kind of "leaf" is micro-fabricated. Air bubbles are pumped in, and as the water evaporates, the power is captured. Although it does seem like a lot of work for what might not be too much power...
• Human movement: Could the expanding planetary population actually power itself through movement? There are thoughts that piezoelectricity could be generated with the use of special tiles placed in strategic places where people walk. These tiles would be made out of materials that generate energy in response to mechanical stress applied on them. As people walked to the bus, or jogged in the park, their pressure on these tiles could produce power.

Let us look at other options before we use our parasitic superpowers to destroy another planet. (Or moon)


Active Member
I tell you, to the righties, everything Obama does is some deep, dark, evil conspiracy. Get a life. :fire:

HAHAHAHA! That's rich! Remeber the
lefties chanting all of their Bush conspiracy shit a few years ago?

Regarding the "Teabaggers" not liking blacks: Do a little research. There are plenty of black people that support the Tea Party. You just choose to cry racism whenever anyone doesn't agree with you.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA! That's rich! Remeber the
lefties chanting all of their Bush conspiracy shit a few years ago?

Regarding the "Teabaggers" not liking blacks: Do a little research. There are plenty of black people that support the Tea Party. You just choose to cry racism whenever anyone doesn't agree with you.
The difference is the evidence was clear with bush...It was blatant dis-regard for human life, among other things, but.....

This thread IS about why we aren't stupid enough to start blowing chunks out of the moon...


Active Member
The difference is the evidence was clear with bush...It was blatant dis-regard for human life, among other things, but.....

This thread IS about why we aren't stupid enough to start blowing chunks out of the moon...
So you believe that Obama cancelled the constellation program to save the moon??? :roll:


Well-Known Member

So you believe that Obama cancelled the constellation program to save the moon??? :roll:
No, he scrapped the program because it's not a good one.

It's stupid and irresponsible.

I don't see how my post led you to believe it was environmentally motivated...

Do you REALLY think we could have flown into space, blown chunks off the face of the moon, and returned without a hitch?

We can barely fly to the space station without a malfunction...Mining in space...There is ONE dude who thinks it's possible in 15 YEARS! And that's an optimistic view, at best.


Well-Known Member

Let's see who is the fastest and most informed.

Many reasons have been spewed on why Obama killed the Constellation Space program started by Ol' Georgie Porgie duece.

BUT.... does anyone have the REAL and TRUE reason why Obama killed it? :lol:

Everyone gets one swing. If you make multiple guesses, I will only respond to the first one. If the next fellow gets it on the following post, they win.

What do you win?

Meaningless REP ... but I'm a heavy hitter, so you get LOTS of meaningless rep....:mrgreen:

So I, as is painfully obvious, Cracker, KNOW the real reason why the Constellation Program was canceled...

Do you?

We'll see.
so im lost, you think obama canceled the program because it IS a good idea and obama will do anything to mess up the countrys economy? also, which do you think is the fuel source on the moon hydrogen3 or helium3? i agree with the few others, i think you discredited yourself as a newshound, that or your too baked off hash to keeps your facts streight


New Member
So with all this bullshit, youse guys forgot the most important reason, it's stupid. It is a downright waste of time and money to try and explore space. We need to figure out how to make this earth a better place. Get with birth control and living green. This throw-away society will not last, and untill we develop gravity drive or some other "warp" drive for space vehicles, we cant get out of our solar system. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its not exploration its a simple task of mining a deposit of dust from the lunar surface and bringing it back to earth , it is said to be the greeniest form of energy ever known ,2,000lbs would power the us for a year


25 tons i stand corrected in a later post....rob


Active Member
No, he scrapped the program because it's not a good one.

It's stupid and irresponsible.

I don't see how my post led you to believe it was environmentally motivated...

Do you REALLY think we could have flown into space, blown chunks off the face of the moon, and returned without a hitch?

We can barely fly to the space station without a malfunction...Mining in space...There is ONE dude who thinks it's possible in 15 YEARS! And that's an optimistic view, at best.
I agree. I misunderstood.

its not exploration its a simple task of mining a deposit of dust from the lunar surface and bringing it back to earth , it is said to be the greeniest form of energy ever known ,2,000lbs would power the us for a year
That's complete bullshit. Doing anything in space is extreme, dangerous and difficult. And power from fusion is a loooong way off (if we ever get there). To say it's a guaranteed fix-all when we can't even do it on a small scale is silly.

Back to the OP: It was candelled because America is broke and NASA is a bureaucratic mess that can't do shit without going over budget.

Fuck putting men on the moon. Everything we need to do can be done with robots.


New Member
I'm sad I put so many insults in my original post and it got deleted. But I got repped by 3 folks for it and neg repped by one, so my meaningless rep balanced out. We are also seeing living proof that NO ONE KNOWS EVERYTHING and those that claim they do are usually insecure internet bullies. The truly intelligent ones sit back with a quiet confidence. I do not count myself among them, and it is clear that CJ, the self chosen one, should not try to count himself among them either.


New Member
im really disappointed on how this thread turned out.... :(
anyone with any interest in physics can tell you we cannot overcome the Coulomb Force yet in a manner that is financially viable. in fact the only times we've been able to create such heat and pressure is at the center of a thermonuclear chain reaction that is initially boosted by an injection of tritium/deuterium. the injection of the D/T into the detonation chamber produces an abundance of neutrons that in turn 'boost' both the fission and fusion reactions that in this point in the reaction are still occurring in parallel. this 'boosting' increases the efficiency of the fusion reaction which allows it to accelerate into a thermonuclear chain reaction. it is the very basis for a multistage warhead...
this has been known since the 50's when the first musings of fusion power were being tossed around seriously by Bohr and the rest of em.
serious feasiblity studies where undertaken then on building fusion power reactors based on the tritium principle (decay = energy) not for private/commercial energy generation, but to supply the massive amount of power needed to produce enrinched uranium. this was during the absolute height of the cold war. things were percieved to be urgent.
it was discovered (or more accurately pointed out) that to be able to produce enough energy to make this technology viable, the tritium reaction could only take place under enormous heat and pressure. the type of heat and pressure that takes just as much energy to produce and maintain said heat and pressure.

i laugh to myself when i see threads like this... people get the idea that all you have to do is dump some trith on the ground and presto! free energy. it simply isnt that easy.

there can be no reaction without equal and opposite reaction.

again, basic physics :wall:
Since we have ALREADY been there...what are you going on about???? Seriously...you seem to think we haven't gone!!

Of course it HAS to be something evil and nefarious. Why? Because it is Obama, and Teabaggers don’t like Ni**ers. Of course Obama is Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Liberal, Destroyer of Society, and the Anti-Christ. :o :o

Also, for those who thought that the Space Shuttle would be used for this, think again. The Shuttle was designed for earth orbital missions. It was NEVER meant for travel outside the earth orbit. :dunce:

Why would Obama cancel the mission? Several reasons: It is fiscally responsible. We have been there, and should be looking to develop more advanced technologies. Money will be better spent in other areas of the space program. :clap:

I tell you, to the righties, everything Obama does is some deep, dark, evil conspiracy. Get a life. :fire:
Oh I see....anyone who points out a mistake is a racist... you've just now
disqualified yourself as a serious poster. I was going to address the rest of your inane and inaccurate post, but why bother? Your mind is very closed.
How is the moon completely clean again, I missed your response.


Wow, what a horrible president...

Improving health care WILL create jobs. Let's not be silly. ALSO, employee's get health care through work mando now, so that's pimp. NO, the employee's don't pay any more than before. NO, the president isn't forcing you to do SHIT! Unless you're stupid enough to walk around without health care in which case, sit down before you hurt yourself!

Go to the white house web page and read what the bill is doing.

Hey CJ, if you're making more than 40,000 a year, you are holding the right position. But if you don't, you're mistaken my friend.
Go to the White House web Page? Be serious....go to the Heritage Foundation and look at the REAL numbers.
If any private citizen used the accounting tricks the Dem's did with health welfare....they'd be in prison so fast.... wake up, you've been manipulated.

Now as to a 'clean" moon. The lunar soil has a RADIOACTIVE FREE isotope that only exists on the MOON. It means at least 400 years of pure CLEAN (totally) fusion energy for the ENTIRE planet.

THAT is why Obama canceled the program...any other reason given was PURE SMOKE!

The Liberals DON'T want us to have abundant energy. They want CONTROL...and CONTROL is made by scarcity.


Active Member
The lunar soil has a RADIOACTIVE FREE isotope that only exists on the MOON. It means at least 400 years of pure CLEAN (totally) fusion energy for the ENTIRE planet.
Where the fuck do you get your information from? Helium3 only exists on the moon? You're either lazy or retarded.

Helium3 can be found in the crust, mantle and atmosphere of Earth as well as in some natural gas resources.

The rest of your post is partisan babble.
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