why why why rockwool


why is it that i have such a hard time getting seedlings to come up in rockwool? How long is the norm for the little buggers to break the surface? i do much better in peat or soil but i don't want to cause shock by transplanting later. suggestions ?:roll:


Well-Known Member
Soak the rockwool in a fert'd low strength mix for around 6hours at pH5.5

I then soak my seeds for 6hours in a mix of superthrive then plant them in the cubes.

Place them under a small Flouro and in 3days (sometimes a little more) they sprout up and out of the hole.



Well-Known Member
root it sponges have changed my life.... nah not really but the germ rate so far is 100% :O (20 seeds)


Well-Known Member
every once in a while i get a seedling that didnt do nothing more but coil inside the rockwool.
so id have to carefully, gingerly "uncoil" the little fuck tard and get its root deeper in the wool.
works like a charm. look at my current grow. i had to do this exact thing to it. :)


Well-Known Member

I've had extremely good luck with Rockwool specifically Grodan. I PH thesome water to 5.5 as well as an extra gallon jugs worth and soak the cubes for20 minutes. I remove the cube and with a couple flicks of the wrist remove theexcess water from the cube. You never want to squeeze a cube as it ruins it's porosityand the cube should be damp not saturated. I then open up the hole a little andinsert my pre germed seed tail down and place them in the shallow tub with 18/6lighting. Don't water for at least the 1st 2 days until the cube is almost dryand then I use a turkey baster with my gallon of previously PH'd water and addwater just until it appears at the bottom of the cube. You can actually see itswell and change to a darker shade of green, agian you don't want to oversaturate the cube, but if you do you can always flick the excess water away. Ihad 100% success rate with this method a few times now. As they grow and I needmore humidity, I live in an extremely dry climate, I pull some clear plastic wrapover the bin with the edge lifted and I have a small incubation fan that willfit in the tub as they sprout above the surface. When they exhibit roots likein the 3rd pic I transplant them into 3 in cubes that I prepare the same wayexcept with 1/4 nutes, these get placed into my low pressure aeroponic vegsystem.



I've had 100% germination with MJ in coco, and nearly 100% with all my garden crops.

Rockwool can hold a lot of water, and if you're not accustomed to using it, it is easy to leave it too wet.

Coco holds quite a bit of water as well, but it drains any excess water quite quickly, pulling a lot of air into the media.

Fill any container with drain holes with 100% coir. Keep at ambient temperature and humidity, water once daily, and you will have incredibly consistent germination results. You might be able to squeeze an extra day by soaking in water first, paper towel method, etc. But all those methods carry possibilities for human error. Rockwool also has a vector for human error if you don't pH it right. Coco doesn't need to be adjusted. Just water daily.

Since I've started germinating and cloning in coco, I don't use anything else.


Well-Known Member
I've had 100% germination with MJ in coco, and nearly 100% with all my garden crops.

Rockwool can hold a lot of water, and if you're not accustomed to using it, it is easy to leave it too wet.

Coco holds quite a bit of water as well, but it drains any excess water quite quickly, pulling a lot of air into the media.

Fill any container with drain holes with 100% coir. Keep at ambient temperature and humidity, water once daily, and you will have incredibly consistent germination results. You might be able to squeeze an extra day by soaking in water first, paper towel method, etc. But all those methods carry possibilities for human error. Rockwool also has a vector for human error if you don't pH it right. Coco doesn't need to be adjusted. Just water daily.

Since I've started germinating and cloning in coco, I don't use anything else.
That limits your grow medium options.... (I'm gonna try it though as I do grow in coco as well as hydro)


Well-Known Member
are you germinating the seed before it goes in the cube?? if not this would make your life easy as hell, if you are already doing it i would say try some rapid rooters they hold much less water then RW and can be put straight into whatever medium you choose.


THANX GUYS VERY VERY HELPFUL. i did use the paper towel method and what was happening was the tap root would come out and thats as far as they would go for me in RW. I think i was drowning them. so try try again.You gave me lots to think about and tweek my methods.Thanx again.


Well-Known Member
THANX GUYS VERY VERY HELPFUL. i did use the paper towel method and what was happening was the tap root would come out and thats as far as they would go for me in RW. I think i was drowning them. so try try again.You gave me lots to think about and tweek my methods.Thanx again.
Anytime...as I'm just a stoner trying to grow a nug...