why why why

Id rather be running hps I wish I could. Its far out of the question . So no led will give any results? Im in a 6 sided end table no more than 21in from side to side and prob same height. . Price isnt a set back its the heat that is. Im not growin to sell I smoke the shit so anything to lower costs of budim all in.
inlines man inlines
The plant flowers in cycles, you notice them by the swell then stop of growth then swell and stop of growth.. etc.. This happens until you are fully ripe. At the end of each one of those cycles, most strains have some hairs turn red; it' not a big deal. You have healthy plants, I would be looking at the clarity of the trichs over the hairs.
jb4twenty i was just talking to a mate fellow grower can u get on the pirate bay ?? cause theres somthing my mate said u need to dl and read its got to do with cfls and he is doing right now with wikked resualts hit me up ill post what it is for u if u can
its a wikked grow for under 80dollers step by step i just flicked thru it myself looks really cool i might have a crack lolol
hes talking about inline fans, but he again fails to see the space you are working with
if u could see the space im in u would just go wow i cant stand up in my space i crawl into it on my hands and kness so dont go all not enough space on me pls
read his dimensions rob he said roughly 21"x21"x21", thats about the same amount of space in a mini fridge
yeah i did man i put him onto a awsome book called buds for less u heard of this done by seemorebuds ?
yes ive read that book but that book doesnt help for people with extremely limited space as in jd's case
i would stick with the lower wattage lights as your can fit more of them into a smaller space also lumens per watt drops off a good bit with that size. my suggestion would be pick up the diy light sockets from lowes or home depot and wire up a parallel circuit to cover the 3 sides of your box. heres a very crude drawing of what im talking about

how much could you expand? like rough size of space