fromyour comment i inferred that you were a christian, as a non-christian myself i do not view christianity (in any of it's myriad forms) to be consistent with ANY human, natural or civil rights at all.
in fact throughout it's history only mohammedanism has caused more suffering among the "non-believers" than christianity. this is pretty impressive since the number one slot in the horror sweepstakes is held by a religion less than 1200 years old, and the number 2 slot is only 2000 years old (give or take)
these two young hungry up-and-comers are really making a splash with their wanton disregard for life and their eagerness to bring violence to any who doubt their words.
fuck, jewry comes in a distant 5th by my count, and that requires accepting all the acts of the god of abraham claimed in their book as real. if you subtract the rather dubious floods and soddom and ghomorrah's destruction, then the jews barely rank at all. they do edge out the buddhists and the zoroastrians, but not my much.
fact is, most of the suffering jews deal out is in the form of GUILT and self inflicted punishments.
or in other words,
fuck christians, fuck mohammedans,
jews... meh.. whats not to like?