Why wont anyone answer any of my threads


Active Member
i could be way off here, but my common sence tells me if you have low ph in ur soil start watering with the right PH ballanced water


Well-Known Member
looks like the one in the back has too much nitrogen, and the one in the front not enough. But all in all nothing to be overly concerned over. leaves are going to turn yellow and die off. The pic isn't that great but he new growth seems to look fine. I think you are worrying too much.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1193114here see if you can figure it out.
Looks like a N deficiency to me. Up your feeds a little bit and see if that doesn't help. You cannot adjust the pH of soil just by running pH'd water through it. Soil is an amazing buffer, which means it resists pH changes unless you add a very acidic amendment, like gypsum, or a very alkaline amendment like dolomite lime. It's very difficult to water those 2 things in the soil once you have a plant growing in the soil already. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Doc111 stole the breath from me. It looks like you need more Nitrogen in your feeding program. I doubt it's PH.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Looks like a N deficiency to me. Up your feeds a little bit and see if that doesn't help. You cannot adjust the pH of soil just by running pH'd water through it. Soil is an amazing buffer, which means it resists pH changes unless you add a very acidic amendment, like gypsum, or a very alkaline amendment like dolomite lime. It's very difficult to water those 2 things in the soil once you have a plant growing in the soil already. :weed:
That's why flood and drain systems RULE!!!


Well-Known Member
I have to agree looks like n problem and the best way to get replies is to bump your thread happens a lot