why wont my seeds germinate?


Active Member
i have succesfuly germinated the same seeds i am trying to germinate now except this time im haveing trouble i started out with twenty and i soaked them in a cup of room temp water for 7 days in the dark one of the seeds cracked and showed taproot so i was worried about not enough oxygen getting to them so i planted them in peat moss pellets in a mini window sill greenhouse ( I have had great sucess doing this in the past) and its been another week and out of the twenty only three have sprouted 2 of them look healthy and strong and the other one looks like a quarter inch stem and hasnt grown for the past three days...I'm wondering what I did wrong and in the future what I should do diffrently? are there signs to if the seeds I got were bad? and is there anyway to save the seeds any last efforts to give them life lol


Well-Known Member
In my opinion i dont like the turnout with the soaking method, had 100% success with the paper towel method. I would recommend doing this for your next germinate. if you also place in a warm place speeds up the processes by about a day or two. did you check the PH of the water you put them in?


Active Member
alright I'm gonna give that a try and no i didnt check the PH come to find out our tap broke so the water i used wasnt filtered so who knows what exactly was in it lol but the wierd part is two of them sprouted and there growing at a faster rate then any of my other seedlings ever have i find that wierd maybe i just lucked out


Well-Known Member
if you were soaking them for 7 days...that sounds like the problem

plus, paper towel method from most experiences, gets them cracked within 24-72 hours