why you shouldn't get a flu shot

Dude, you get a flu shot in order to greatly reduce your chance of getting a flu. I will get one this year because of our imminent baby. Your assertion that it is near worthless is false.

I don't get it. Maybe living in DC helped me, but why is everything government related immediately suspect? These are real people, medical experts working to determine the best way to protect the people. They have to make their best guess on which three of thousands of viruses will affect us. The work that goes into this is pretty impressive. But they can be wrong. So where does the 98.5 worthless come in? But my point is, these people have children, parents, homes - and there are thousands of people working on vaccination and related projects. I tend to believe that if enough people are involved, you cannot keep a secret that poses an obvious danger to the population.

I realize I have just served up a "soft" argument, but I am trying to bring my perspective to it. I am not a vaccination specialist though I play one on tv.

Tonight's NOVA is doing a new episode about this very subject. @tytheguy111 - please check it out and tell me if you feel differently. NOVA is still excellent TV.

I might is it on the internet or on t.v.???