
SuperHI TnT

Well-Known Member
ive got a fem plant that ive had for like to or three months andits growing well but some thing has me wondering.i look at everyone elses and theirs look so full and thick.mine is abot a foot 1/2 tall and its got nicwe hairs all over it but the leaves are thinner its more lanky as well and it doesnt brnch out far whats the deal?


Well-Known Member
what strain is it? or bagseed? you said the leaves are thinner and it doesnt branch out far thats probably because its a sativa, it depends on the strain


Well-Known Member
Pictures says a thousand words buddy :) but let me just ramble off the common replies you will receive.

1) its stretch, move your light(s) closer
2) its under feed, get quality nutes (not miracle grow!), and follow the directions included
3) its locked out, water with PH'd water (between 6 - 7, 6.5 ideal)
*side note, ph after adding nutes to the water*
4) it needs a bigger pot, re-pot it and it will grow bigger
5) you need more light, no 1 CFL will not grow a big plant...

Ok so I hope you have a sense of humor (and a digital camera), and post back so I can tell you which number to refer to... :) :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Pictures says a thousand words buddy :) but let me just ramble off the common replies you will receive.

1) its stretch, move your light(s) closer
2) its under feed, get quality nutes (not miracle grow!), and follow the directions included
3) its locked out, water with PH'd water (between 6 - 7, 6.5 ideal)
*side note, ph after adding nutes to the water*
4) it needs a bigger pot, re-pot it and it will grow bigger
5) you need more light, no 1 CFL will not grow a big plant...

Ok so I hope you have a sense of humor (and a digital camera), and post back so I can tell you which number to refer to... :) :joint: :peace:
i don't get why people knock on MG. there organic stuff is decent. i use em cause i live in bumfuck with no hydro shop


Well-Known Member
Bumfuck is exploding, whats the population now like 4 people? lol

In regards to the miracle grow remark, I personally would never use there Nutes or Soil. though i have never heard of there organic soil. I just dont like it, sorry :( if i was in your situation i would order quality nutes over the internet the and use the organic soil.