wicker cloners???


Well-Known Member
any1 use these things or root just in puralite??? i made 1 with 2lt botles and puralite... i cut clones a few hrs ago and they r all dooped over(severly) like lying in the surface of my medium.... is this normal with this system??? they gonna perk up??? i have nvr seen them droop this bad in a few hrs nor have i used this method... is it because im useing puralite??? i useually use plugs but wanted to try this method for i am goin "hempy"...


Active Member
Did you wet the pearlite before you put the clones in? I use a 50/50 vermiculite/pearlite mix, the pearlite itself does not hold water as well and the clones need to have moisture against the stem to generate the roots. I also use one of these - http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=42847&highlight=ice+cube+tray+water+bottle - as a cloner. I have never had a clone fail, and they transplant well to hydro or soil systems. I have been using soil, but am going with hempy buckets for this run to see if it really is better.

Good luck!