Wicking bed for 2x2x5 tent - No till organic living soil


Well-Known Member
I'm planing to build a 2x2(roughly) sub irrigated wicking bed for my 2x2 tent. Got couple of questions about the wicking system and the build itself, please feel free to geek up if you feel like it.

1- Is it worth the hassle (probably is, just asking for opinions)
2- Does cannabis like it wet at all times? The soil does but could that cause any lockouts or ph issues?
3- How do you customize the height water being wicked to? What affects that other than type of the the soil?
4- What are the parts thats easiest to f...k up while building a DIY wicking bed?
5- Does it matter if the extended wicking part touches to bottom of the resesrvoir or not?
6- Can you make the soil get too wet or is that just not possible? (considering I have a oferlow pipe)

Thanks in advance for all the answers.
there is a whole forum of Sub Irrigated Planter guys out there (me included) and YES they are AMAZINGLY worth it! As far as "wet all the time" as long as you have the wick to soil bed ratios right they are not soaking. The wick dimension stuff is all outlined on that SIP thread. The easiest thing to fuck up ... is the wick size.. and almost all the rest of your questions are going to pertain to the wick size also. There are a ton of different custom builds over on the SIP thread. I will never go back it is by far the most hassle free way to grow!
What I'm mostly concern about is the wicking dimensions and how to calculate them. Could you guys direct me to that info if its shared somewhere? I'm reading the threads right now so thank you for that.