Well-Known Member
You are in.
send me a PM
You are in.
Don't worry about it,earl, i would just like to know how ur able to send these in the US mail? im curious cuz i dont want the cops to come lookin for me or some shit. and what strain and how many are u sendin, then u shall have u photos
Your in. #3hey Earl, what about me. I was the third one.
Your in #4Earl,
I will grow your seeds and do a picture journal.
You are #5
I truly, truly, appreciate this post. I honestly believe stupid stoner's give us all a bad name, and they would in fact be much better off if they would quit smoking dope and go to school. However, god knows that they wont!Don't worry about it,
you are not able to get in.
You should quit smoking dope and go to school.
lol.....love butters btw