WidowCindy Multiple 400W Soil


Well-Known Member
Sorry about lieing about updates, I am watering as soon as my filters get here, so I will do updates tomorrow, be ready for the lady bug orgy pics. :mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So The Floss is growing like a weed, if I didn't already know it I would think this strain was a gift from god, not bad for 9 days for growth. Mom picking with the floss is rough since I won't know what to keep until about the 7th week of flowering, so I am taking as many cuttings as a I can in this next week.

And the Widowcindy, I am FiM'ing almost all of em cause they are ahead of the floss by about a week, one of them has been topped and FiM'd a few times, should be my mom as long as it's a she. I have taken about 3 cuttings from her they are rooting along with more clones to be taken in the coming week.

As you can see the triploid is, I dunno It's starving the lower canopy because of the denseness of these leaves on the top. If i keep these genetics it's going to be a bush LST plant maybe for outdoors. This is no topping no fimming etc, al natural.

Problems: no bug problems, but if you look at my floss leaf it has some weird spotting I have never ran into before so If anyone can help me diagnose, would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I don' see the spots you are taling about, but if the spots are not holes from spidermites (it don't look like you have mites) then it is probably a mg problem. Just add that Cal/Mag stuff and it should be fine. It won't fix the spots you already have but you wont get any more. You can use epsom salt if you know how to do that too. Good job man!!


Well-Known Member
Well this week should be clone week, I should get most of my clones off the floss this week and finish up the ones i need off the WC. Updates on Friday. I want a link to your journal when you get one up dank.


Well-Known Member
Took 5 clones today multiples on some, I will get shots of the clone tray as it fills this week, along with my cloning chambers.