Wierd Question about lighting??? Please Help!


Active Member
So basically I am under the impression that more light=more growth=more bud!
I just started to veg (on week 4 from seed)

I have a T5 and a 600 w HPS

Ideally I would like to veg with both of them, BUT with the hps my room climbs to about 95 degrees farenheit.

My thought was that I could possibly keep the T5 on a consistent 18/6 schedule and set the HPS to come on for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple hrs in the evening (when the temp cools down a bit).--a temporary solution until I can afford a small a/c--

My question is:
Will this erratic use of the HPS have adverse effect on the plants even though the T5 is consistent? Possibly stress them or throw them into flowering early??
Should I just settle for the T5 and not take any chances ???

Thanks for any help!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
personaly i keep my room at 100 deg. far. if u have good air circ. and exh i belive u will bfine. but the hps is hormely for flowering. just go get a mh bulb and run in that ballest. i do w/ my 1000wtt hps for 3years now & have nad ho problems. hope this help good luck


Active Member
100's really? that hot??

According to SeeMoreBuds video that I've seen you should strive to keep the room at 80 and growth will come to a near stand still once in the high 90's. I heard somewhere that higher temps are tolerable if you add CO2.

I'll keep that in mind:) Ill probably go MH for veg in the future but right now I got what I got.

Anyway the temp problem will soon be a thing of the past... I am really just curious if the plant will be stressed if I dramatically vary the light intensity??
My guess is no but I just wanted to make sure!

Thanks to all


Well-Known Member
The temp level is always argued here by keyboard Rambos. I, and many others, believe that 80 is the target. At 90 the plants shut down. At 95 plants die.

However, there are hundreds of different strains that you might see. Many adapt to very warm conditions. Many strains will not adapt. Be careful.


Well-Known Member
actually u should be able to veg with your t5 alone (i do with my t5's) and bloom with my 1000 hps.... your t5's are plenty for vegging..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
not calling u a lier i have been growing in this temps, for 3 years, and every stain i have grown seems to love that temp. hers a pic. will u tell me if their is anything wrong.



Well-Known Member
not calling u a lier i have been growing in this temps, for 3 years, and every stain i have grown seems to love that temp. hers a pic. will u tell me if their is anything wrong.
As an experiment, last summer I put several plants from different strains on my back porch. It was hot as hell. Some plants died. Some did not. So I do believe heat will kill some strains.


Active Member
I'm trying a Northern Lights strain (supposedly)
When I get into the high 80's-low 90's the edges of the leaves begin to curl upward-(this is with superb ventilation)-which I've heard indicates that the plant is getting too hot. The Leaves look awesome at 82 degrees though, so I think this is about where I want the temp for THIS particular grow.

So I think I'll stick with the T5 for now. I'll switch to the HPS once I can afford a small a/c to put in the room.

Thanks for the replies :)


Well-Known Member
I'm trying a Northern Lights strain (supposedly)
When I get into the high 80's-low 90's the edges of the leaves begin to curl upward-(this is with superb ventilation)-which I've heard indicates that the plant is getting too hot. The Leaves look awesome at 82 degrees though, so I think this is about where I want the temp for THIS particular grow.

So I think I'll stick with the T5 for now. I'll switch to the HPS once I can afford a small a/c to put in the room.

Thanks for the replies :)
Some people here use T-5 and T-8 all the way thru their grow. These lights have some real advantages over HPS, but need a little special care to install. Also consider a low light to provide sidelighting.