Wierd red seedling ??


I was trying to grow bagseed outdoors and one of the seedlings had a red stem but it died, It wasn't red because it was dying either, because when the leaves were nice and green there were 2 red leaves and the stem was a nice red
Whats your opinion?



Has anyone ever had one of these or seen one? I wonder what the buds wouldve came out like :(
Some of those same bagseed have a redish tint to them so I will try to grow them again

I Love THC

Active Member
if you put it there and go back 1 hour later and look ofcourse its not going to have changed... put it back and leave it for a couple of days atleast.


Active Member
Tough to tell if it's even weed. Oh well.. Doesn't matter now anyway... It's dead, whatever it was.
R.I.P., little plant...