Wierd/rounded pot leaves

I've grown plants before and the two first leaves look right but the second two pot leaves look too rounded to be a weed plant. I just wanted to know if what I have here are plants or not or a problem that I can fix. I have multiple others about the same size and they have the same leaves as this one . They look like the right leaves but a little rounded .:/



Well-Known Member
doesn't look like a pot plant, i need a clear pic of the new growth in the middle of those round leaves. those should look like spears


Well-Known Member
looks more like a transmitted weed thats not the weed we like here
yea, exactly. its a weed alright..... but its not going to get you high.

we have those where i live. the seeds get into the soil i store out side. sometimes i end up picking them out of the pot for the whole veg phase.

thate are NOT marijuana tho, just to make that clear......
Transmitted weed ? Explain. I think these plants are way older than they look because I stole these plants. My neighbour had a female pot plant growing in here last year that he showed me. But last Christmas he moved and left these plants behind in a shady spot that doesn't get a lot of sun . I just stole these plants about a week ago and they got like no sunlight where they were and there were a lot of small plants like this . Since he moved Christmas these plants have had to have been growing since march , April in the same spot. It sounds weird but possible considering there was low sunlight meaning the pots stayed moist but didn't dry out which kept the plants growing little by little. Making them look like this ? When I stole the pots there was also a female pot plant root that was cut before he moved and was still in the dirt. I kept that in the pots Nd since I moved them to a better sunlight area it has started growing leaves . But what I was saying these plants have to be atleast 4-5 months old but the 15-30 mins of sunlight they were getting a day kept them growing slowly making them like this ?
Okay then tell me what plant it could be because I know for a fact last year there was a pot plant growing in this same pot . The root is still there from the same plant my neighbor had . I thought a lot of seeds could have fallen off the buds when it was growing making all of these plants this grow season. But if you can find me something online that directly identifies these plants ill be happy.


Well-Known Member

i love you man.

I stole these plants, last Christmas he moved and left these plants behind, so. I just stole these plants about a week ago
#1 marijuana doesnt grow in the winter.
#2 it was probably sinsemilla (look it up....)
#3 you should never steal ANYTHING. how would you like it if someone jsut cane on to your property and took YOUR shit. it doesnt matter what the fuck it is, you dont fucking steal. period.

your plants are NOT marijuana.
do you want to know what a 5 month old pot plant LOOKS like?!? here.


Well-Known Member
Okay then tell me what plant it could be because I know for a fact last year there was a pot plant growing in this same pot . The root is still there from the same plant my neighbor had . I thought a lot of seeds could have fallen off the buds when it was growing making all of these plants this grow season. But if you can find me something online that directly identifies these plants ill be happy.
google sinsemilla. see what comes up.


Well-Known Member
You can identify them yourself with google but it is not cannabis. It could be a weed that grew around it and a few seeds blew into the pot or something. The cotyledons do not even resemble cannabis, cannabis tends to be more oval shaped. 180px-C_sativa_seedling.jpg
Read the whole thing bro. I said they had to of been seeds from when he clipped his other plant in the winter that started growing in march - April. I do know what a 5 month plant looks like but like I said where I found them they were getting probly 30 minutes of sun a day . He wasnt growing his right there he just left the pots there after he moved. I'll steal a pot that has no owner that use to have a plant in it that has a lot of plants in it anyday just to be sure .


Well-Known Member
But what I was saying these plants have to be atleast 4-5 months old but the 15-30 mins of sunlight they were getting a day kept them growing slowly making them like this ?
stop contradicting yourself kid.

didn't you read the terms of agreement? theres like 15 sentences there, seriously..... no one under the age of 18.

T Ray

Well-Known Member

You are obviously very young to the cannabis game. How do you know there "had to of been seeds from when he clipped his other plant"?? Was there also a male plant present? If not, then, no there won't be any seeds present from his female plant. You need to realize that everyone who has commented is trying to help you. Those things you think are cannabis seedlings are not.


Active Member
Wasn't there another thread where a guy stole some pot from his dad and grew the seeds in the bag and it turned out to be basil....Now you two are not of the same party are you...
From the photo i would say i'm 80pc sure that those seedlings are young sticking nettles, anyone who thinks it might be mj has either gone mad or never seen any kind of mj plant. I am glad it is not mj as the op seems to think it's ok to be a tea leaf and help himself to that which belongs to somebody else.