wierdest food

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
And I thought deep fried mars bars were weird enough ^ lol.
There are two types. One you wrap around a stomach fat covered stick and the other is wrapped around a colon covered stick. The first is crispy. The second is chewy. I prefer the crispy for obvious reasons. ;)


Ursus marijanus
Ooooh - Native/Scottish fusion cuisine ... "Navajaggis".

The weirdest foods of which I can think without spending time on it ... are Asian. Kim chee. Thousand-year eggs. Vietnamese skills with the questionably edible parts of the chicken. cn

un named

Active Member

instant bacon anyone?

Tartar Steak, not sure if its that much wierd but its dope!! its like raw meat, really cold will alot of seasoning and mixed up with a raw egg. awesomeness

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
slop: one pound hamburger cooked and drained, one can cream of mushroom soup heated, and whatever you got in the cupboard, like beans, mixed veg etc. mix it all up and you got dinner...looks like shit, but bangin and easy to fix, kids love it