Wife on prescribed lithium says doesnt enjoy pot anymore...

The devil made lithium. Lithium is the modern politically correct lobotomy. I would say stop taking lithium. They diagnosed me as Manic and put me on that to slow my brain down, i did nothing but impair my hand eye coordination and make me see weird. I would suggest just smoking weed and staying away from lithium, it's not good stuff.

I was on it for a month and a half at a high dosage and by the end of the six weeks I couldn't even walk around, and my organs were shutting down.

I did a full body cleanse with calli tea, green tea, drank lots of water. I can't imagine being on prescriptions like that again, it truly is evil.
This guy i know is on lithium.. he has crazy mood swings because of that stuff, He actually quit smoking weed after being put on it because he thought it was fucking with his head to much...
She says weed now enhances whatever mood she's in...negative moods worsen happy moods get better

I would assume this is the case due to Marijuana's psychedelic property.

  • Pschedelic: To manifest the mind (or soul).
  • Psyche: "The human soul, mind, or spirit."
  • Deloun: "To manifest"

It more than likely accentuates her emotions due to this property.

He actually quit smoking weed after being put on it because he thought it was fucking with his head to much...

Because of its psychedelic property, that may be true. With someone who has experienced severe trauma or has a deep-seated emotional unbalance, even cannabis could aggitate the psyche. Granted the emotions, thought processes, and hallucinations (if present), experienced under the influence of Cannabis (or a psychedelic in general), could very well be from the root of the issue itself. It can be an amazing learning tool, but if one does not understand that mechanism, it could potentially worsen the actual problem.
I agree that you do need to keep balance in your mind, as in, not letting the bad thoughts control your life. Although, it may be beneficial that the OP's wife discuss some of the bad thoughts that she has.. something that leads to catharsis. Keeping something terrible pent up can really deteriorate your mentality.
Very true. Many people, without consciously realizing it, keep themselves in a depressed state of mind. Instead of seeing all the terrible things in life that make it suck, reinforce looking for positivity, as positive thoughts lead to positive feelings (and vise versa). When you are out looking for everything good and happy in your life, your life will eventually fill with good and happiness. Depression is a difficult habit to break, so always try to be positive and supportive (I know this can be hard at times, just remember what keeps you going as well).

yeah, balance is a big key, and yeah, talking about things can be good too, doing stuff you like doing, not hanging around people that make you feel bad, being nice to yourself, treat yourself, find all the good things in your life and focus on that.

bad thoughts,, repeat them often enough and the mind starts doing it automatically for you ;) (works vice versa fortunetly,the mind is a simple thing really,just gotta grab it by the horns) but its the emotional response to the thought that reinforces it.

i find it best to, logically outthink the thought or laugh at it, or ignore it or all three, whatever works,

logically outthink it? well, examine your life, bad thoughts are bad cause they hurt or shame you or just make you afraid or whatever, but they all stem from a reason.

lets say.. as a kid i got my pants pulled down in front of dozens of kids (oh all totally true) and all laughed and pointed at me.

lets say, i get bit traumatized and more shy and awkard because of this, insecurities about myself and my body and such.

now, because it was bit traumatizing, i would just avoid thoughts of this bury it, so it would become a part of me but unknown to me, kinda repressed memory but not, and soon it would be forgotten, but the wound and scars still there.

and because i was shy and awkard, i would get into more "trouble" like that and become even more shy and awkard.burying that memory deeper and further from my thoughts.

then, years later, i might be terribly depressed, everythings gone wrong, i like nothing about my life and what would stick out the most, were the most recent failures, all very hard to swallow or look at.

but, if i looked past all that and to the first memories, when i was a kid, those would be alot easier, cause they are so far away and also because.

hey if that happened to me now, well, i might just laugh too or the guy pulling my pants down considered a childish loser and he laughed at, not i.

its just a penis after all :)

so it might be just easier to go back to the beginning and find the root of it all.

plus another tip.. fears and traumas and whatnot affect body posture.

make you hunched and shit.

try straightening out. puffing out that chest, stretching your neck, working those shoulders around bit,swing those arms.

see what posture you settle back into, automatically, see what thoughts come to mind, a memory perhaps? and then look in the mirror and the keep on looking in the mirror while you straighten yourself out again. lift that chin bit and poke that face forward too ;)

I would assume this is the case due to Marijuana's psychedelic property.

  • Pschedelic: To manifest the mind (or soul).
  • Psyche: "The human soul, mind, or spirit."
  • Deloun: "To manifest"

It more than likely accentuates her emotions due to this property.

alcohol for example does that too, but cannabis seems to be affected more by the mind than other drugs.
couldnt clarify it though...but no drug is for everyone or doesnt seem to be that way.

but i think there are some herbal remedies for all. might have to try something offtrack though.

i got totally turned off ever even trying lithium when i saw richard dreyfuss.

guy dissapeared for 30 years, turns out he was on lithium.

seems, sorta, fine mentally today, but his body sure is wrecked.
If she has had such side effects from lithium, maybe she should reconsider taking it. Modern medicine (as far as psychology, and my opinion are concerned) tend to mask the symptoms, opposed to treating the underlying problem. People often repress and/or suppress trauma (whether sexual abuse, physical abuse, or mental abuse), along with various other traumas, and rarely does medication reverse that. The underlying problem (that is causing the bipolar / depression), is being "treated" by the Lithium. As in, on paper, her neurochemicals should appear "normal", although, I would assume that the depressed-thoughts and bipolar episodes continue?
If cannabis was making her happy, you would need to know:
1) Did it make her happy because it balanced something (probably a neurochemical)
2) Did it make her happy because she was able to escape from her problems?
She may be better off seeing a psychotherapist, or something along those lines, as medication does not sound to be helping her. Trying to find the root to the actual problem sounds more efficient than trying to mask symptomology. Taking up something like yoga, or meditation may help ease some of her anxiety and depression as well.
I am not a doctor, this is just my two cents.

I agree that you do need to keep balance in your mind, as in, not letting the bad thoughts control your life. Although, it may be beneficial that the OP's wife discuss some of the bad thoughts that she has.. something that leads to catharsis. Keeping something terrible pent up can really deteriorate your mentality.
Very true. Many people, without consciously realizing it, keep themselves in a depressed state of mind. Instead of seeing all the terrible things in life that make it suck, reinforce looking for positivity, as positive thoughts lead to positive feelings (and vise versa). When you are out looking for everything good and happy in your life, your life will eventually fill with good and happiness. Depression is a difficult habit to break, so always try to be positive and supportive (I know this can be hard at times, just remember what keeps you going as well).

This is really the best summary of what cognitive behavioural therapy and mj have done for me. Thank you so much to whoever started this thread and the poster of the above message.

I am BP1 with major depressive order. I was on anti-psychotic, litium, benzo cocktail zombie meds for years. Pot didn't really work for me at all on all of that medication and I was too numb to want to smoke it anyway. Big Pharma drugs have a purpose: short term use only until the patient is stable, then a gradual tapering off of the meds concurrent with intensive therapy to teach you coping skills. Meditation, diet, excercise, hobbies, games, friends, family, etc are all part of the tool kit you use and the real long term maintainence solution, along with the lowest dosage meds for you. I now use only mj and although not easy, I feel human again with ups and downs but with a personality. I have a hard time hiding how I really feel about things from myself when I use a sativa dominant hybrid, so the numbing effect is not there for me with pot. It truly has been life saving medecine for me. I'm not in an mj friendly State, but even my p-doc cannot believe how much more vibrant, controlled, and alive I am and she knows I use.

I wish you and your lady the best in this and am glad to see she has a caring partner. Having someone to rely upon means so very much to those of us who suffer. The tincture idea is a great one, but due to being an alcoholic I cannot use them. I usually make canna-coconut butter, mix it with Nutella, and spread it on bread. :weed: I had no idea you could rub it on your skin! Now I have to head to the store...
I knew someone for whom lithium was literally the life saver. But it changed her biochemistry. I'd prepare for the very large possibility that she can't respond well to cannabis any more. But yeah, stay away from the racy sativas (they CAN aggravate/induce mania!) cn