wil 1500 lumes be ok per ft2?

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
Hi I HAVE A 13FT BY 10FT BY 8 FT HIGH. WITH MY 3 400W HPS LIGHTS I GET ABOUT 1500 LUMES PER ft2. Wil it be ok for my grow or should n try get one more 400w in there? Dont want to use too much power!


Well-Known Member
Hi I HAVE A 13FT BY 10FT BY 8 FT HIGH. WITH MY 3 400W HPS LIGHTS I GET ABOUT 1500 LUMES PER ft2. Wil it be ok for my grow or should n try get one more 400w in there? Dont want to use too much power!
of course it will but more is always better when it comes to lumens, and as that is one big closet have you thought of using like half of it? That would bump the lumens per sq ft up nicely.

luvvin growin

Active Member
yeah,I've got 6000 watts aver an area that size at work here,so you might want to tone it down some,and grow into the big area.Of course,we are overkilling just a wee bit,too.