Wil This Fan Do ?


New Member
Hi guys,

I am builing a grow box at the moment and I wanted to ask you guys if the size of fan that I have is enough for a small grow box with only one plant and a 100 Watt normal haushold lightbulb?
And another thing, It's probably a stupid question but in what direction do I place the fan ?



Well-Known Member
Hiya mate, sorry can't be much help with the Fan.. depends on a few things though tbh, like Intake(Big or small) the size of the Cabinet and then the size of Exhaust. When you say 100W normal house bulb do you mean CFL? if you limited on Size then PC Fans and Small 4" USB Fans are the way to go.. You got any PICS of Box? Dimensions?


Another Link..might give you some more ideas or indeed inspire you..


I do remember seeing another Great little Cab build on here Kiefs Cooltube Cabinet build? can't remember baked!!
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New Member

Here's a pic of my Growbox.

No I don't have a CFL, I'm not sure what kind of light I have, the only CFL light that I have is 7 Watts, so I just figured I would take this light I had at 100 Watts cause I heard It kind of works.

Thanks for the Tip.


Well-Known Member
Hiya, any chance of taking a PIC of Bulb, or maybe you could find and image of the same bulb on amazon or home depot? how far do you have this bulb from the top of the Plant? is the bulb hanging bare? or does it have a Reflector of some kind?



Well-Known Member
if your bulb is an incandescent bulb (the goto idea of picturing a light bulb in your head) than it is not a suitable choice. you would be much better off going to the hardware store and picking up a four pack of 23(ish) watt cfls to equal close to the incandescrnt. four pack of cfls like that shouldnt costnmore than $7 or so.