Wild cherry cookies waffle cone pheno

dave chull

Well-Known Member
well this is my first journal excuse my grammer iphones arent my favorite typing platform.i grabbed a pack of wcc from in house gentics got two fire chicks out of 5 pack,( black cherry pie x animal cookies) i just ran out of canna nutes and only one store in ak is authorized to rep canna and i got ripped fromm them so i went and got some remo nutes. I got gfow micro bloom and velo kelp transplanting 6 Tonight . They are in hslf gallon fsbric pots because of room contraints then i trsndplant too 3 gal in bloom. Im still in coir. Only prob i had with canna is noooioo taste. Be back when the lights come on!
well this is my first journal excuse my grammer iphones arent my favorite typing platform.i grabbed a pack of wcc from in house gentics got two fire chicks out of 5 pack,( black cherry pie x animal cookies) i just ran out of canna nutes and only one store in ak is authorized to rep canna and i got ripped fromm them so i went and got some remo nutes. I got gfow micro bloom and velo kelp transplanting 6 Tonight . They are in hslf gallon fsbric pots because of room contraints then i trsndplant too 3 gal in bloom. Im still in coir. Only prob i had with canna is noooioo taste. Be back when the lights come on!
Woth pics