Wild Harvest


Active Member
Well I stumbled on quite a few marijuana plants about a month or two ago down by the woods near me in the midwest. I guided them through till they matured. They are now starting to finish up and i've just got some stuff to say about it. I'm telling you guys these things so you can help me know if it's any good or not.
Most of them grew to be about 4-5 feet tall.
One started turning a blueish color
They were pollenated(unfortunately i was too late) all but one
I pulled one plant and a little of the blueish one and that filled up a 1 quart bag.
Any input?


Active Member
I don't plan on going back again for a while. I kept over 60 seeds so next season I can go and plant my own stuff and not let it go to seed. If someone else planted all these don't you think they would have weeded out the males???


Active Member
No I don't...Some people just take a laid back approach to it and say let nature do its thing. I know a guy who planted about 30 in one area...Hasn't been back since. Happens to be in Texas right now and so I imagine by the time he returns they'll be way past the window of oppurtunity but nonetheless not everyone takes the time to take care of their plants.


Active Member
Huh, so is there any way to tell without looking at them that this isn't just some crappy ditch weed that can't be used for anything other than rope?


Active Member
Some say you can smell it, look at it whatever and tell if its good...These are mostly the ignorant people. The only real way to know is to put in your body in the form of smoke or in food...So dry it, cure it, smoke it...Then you'll have an answer.


Active Member
You are wise to save the seeds. They are acclimated to that climate and soil type now. Next year, if you can keep them virgins, they will be spectacular. I haven't had good success with guerilla grows in the midwest....deer eat them. (so I have to shoot the deer and eat them to get stoned....you can smoke the deer too, but the femur is hard to light) Find a good place to hide them with plenty of sun, then wait until the cool nights and warm days crank up the resin before chop-chop.


Well-Known Member
I don't plan on going back again for a while. I kept over 60 seeds so next season I can go and plant my own stuff and not let it go to seed. If someone else planted all these don't you think they would have weeded out the males???

When someone jacks your weed...that will be kharma.