Wild Tomato Plants

the last few years around our garden we have wild tomato plants pop up from the previous year's garden, and this year so far we've counted 9 wild tomatoes lol.

being that they are a good distance away from our raised beds we'll probably just let them grow.

our yard already has a huge cluster of mint from last season that took over. it's funny.


Well-Known Member
Fun fact: I you empty the contents of the truck that sucks out septic tanks into a field, tomatoes will sprout.


Well-Known Member
Wild tomatoes never done too well for me but maybe you'll have better results. I had a wild carrot earlier this season and that sucker was huge. I actually thought it was a weed and ended up with billy club in my hand. I've never planted carrots myself must've been the previous owners.


I've had this same issue! over 10 tomatoes popping up from what i can assume is my compost! I'm curious to see what they do but also reluctant to let them occupy space in my garden. Lemme know how this turns out I'm very curious


Well-Known Member
I enjoy growing volunteer tomato plants... kinda like a mystery, which kind will it be?!?! I have two under hot caps that are in a half oak barrel planned for volunteer cucumbers.


Well-Known Member
its the old roots fro the year before they clone them selves and more plants pop up in spring