will 250Watt HPS grow from seed to harvest??

will a 250watt grow 1-2 plants from seed to harvest, there just little plants, a autoflowering strain called samsara ultraviolet, only grows 60-70cm, any ideas?:leaf:
and also, would it change the difference of the flowering time, would it be longer if i use a HPS from seed to harvest, or CFL for Veg, and HPS for flowering? or it makes no difference
and also a grow question, if i want to keep my plant from growing upto 70cm, only 50cm, what could i do? use a small 1 gallon pot?? and if i do that, would that effect the end result of the buds etc?

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
ive never used cfl so i couldn't tell you that. i have always used t5's but to stop your plant from growing taller just top it and it will get bushier instead of taller. dont restrict the roots or this will have a direct influence in budding. you dont want your plant to become rootbound. and your light watts is going to influence bud production. the more light, the more bud, up to a certain amount.

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
also remember your plant will keep growing taller a week or so into flowering so start the flowering process before it gets to your desired hight


Active Member
You will be just fine with 250w hps you could do 3 easily. Being autoflower they shouldnt grow much more than they say. Give them a big enough pot to grow. Do not top your plant its an autoflower. Make sure to run them 20/4 or 18/6 light cycle. you dont need to vegg with cfls if anything run the cfls with the hps. If you need to keep short scrog them. Good luck!
hey man if were to SCROG my auto-flowering plant, what would be the best root hormone to use? and would the yield be the same, as just growing the plant as 1, or SCROG or the lower branches, and just growing the main cola?