Will a 1000 watt hps produce better results than a 600watt in a 3x3 tent?

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
pound the plants with as much light as you can handle and still hold back heat isues, adding co2 will give you a bigger yield and also act as a shield against heat. I have ran a 1000 watter in a 3x3x5.5 cabinet in my garage with a 12/1 veg schedule with awesome results, as long as the light is cooled and the cabinet is drawing in clean cool air your golden, you can always run the lights and take temp readings over a time period of 2-4 hrs and find your temp ceiling


Active Member
If you are considering the option of dimmable, then no question get the 1000w dimmable, and run at the lower wattage if you have issue. That is what I initially did, and I pretty have not dimmed it once yet, however in a 3x3 space I suppose I might. Cooled with a 700 cfm fan and filter however the hood and glass is barely warm to the touch, so heat has never been an issue for me, but I also have an ambient temp in the 60s.


Well-Known Member
The 1000 is for growers who don't wanna fuss with moving the light. Its possible to grow just as good as a thousand whit a six in a tent like that you just have to pay more attention to light distance and what not.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Your space will be more of a determining factor than the light in this case. If you have the money, why not upgrade your tent to a 4x4 or even 5x5? a 3x3 is 9 sq feet. 4x4 is only one foot more in each direction, but close to double the square footage at 16 sq ft. You could even go with a 5x5 and get 25 sq feet -- that's almost 4 x's what you have now. Throw a 1k in a 5x5, and your yields are likely to at least triple.


Active Member
i upgraded to this 3x3 from a 2x2x4 with a 400 watt. its a big as i can get cuz my veg room is now the 2x2 tent i upgraded from


Well-Known Member
I believe that you would be exceeding the point of diminishing return with 1000 watts in that space.


Active Member
im just gonna super crop,and scrog the hell out of it and see how good the yield is. if the 1000 watt can produce more than the 600 watt in this space then i think its worth it. just didnt wanna get a 1000 and end up with the same results as a 600. but since i will be getting the dimmible i guess i will have different options if i run into problem. and just to have the light in the long run for future grow room that might be bigger if i ever move lol


Well-Known Member
I have always tended to go with more 250W-400W Mh and Hps, just because of heat factors, even though I have air cooled lampholders, I think that the distribuition is more equally spread out instead of just one or two central lights... I currently use one 400W MH and three 250W HPS in a 2'X4' closet, with 8 five gallon buckets sittin just over a drain pan, and it always turns out sum awesum sugar-coated, sweet-smellin' donkey dicks... Keeps from having to rotate my containers so much also, because they tend to stretch less towards any one particular lamp... And, with the mixed spectrums, timed just as in nature starting with my hps's and cfl's, then three or four hours after they wake up to that, the mh comes on, until about 3 or 4 hours before they go to sleep, especially during veg phase, I have noticed so many subtle and very noticable differences in their growth patterns and I am sold forever on duel spec lighting... Always have been anyways since I wire so many for a living as an industrial journeyman electrician...