Will a climate change denier take Bill Nye's $20,000 bet?


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about the fifth time you've posted the same discredited, unaccredited, non-university.

reported as spam.
Oh no, Uncle Puke is mad. I'd suggest you find actual quotes by Lindzen instead perpetuating fraud.
Do you think Bill Nye could install a window? He does have a BS in Mechanical Engineering.
Try basing your argument on facts, not one random guys opinion, who different sources show different opinions. I posted you links to sources FULL of facts on climate change. Post me one.
I'd suggest you find actual quotes by Lindzen instead perpetuating fraud.

it's not fraud just because you don't like the quote he made on the record.

lindzen, although he is batshit insane, has stated numerous times that the planet is warming due to human activities. there is no other way to explain it according to him.

if your penis were not so tiny you would accept this mundane fact.
I often ask those climate deniers to come up with some justification, with all the alterations humans have made to the planet and its atmospheric makeup, for why the climate might NOT be affected?

Crickets. Not even the esteemed and respected tropical weather researcher, the late Dr William Gray, could answer that one- and he was an AGW denier all the way to the bitter end. An honest one, too; he never took oil money.
Even the admins realized I had you outnumbered and came in and removed a number of my posts to save you embarrassment. Lol. Or maybe Nobel Laureates upset them...
Even the admins realized I had you outnumbered and came in and removed a number of my posts to save you embarrassment. Lol. Or maybe Nobel Laureates upset them...
Giaever shared a Nobel prize in physics in 1973 with two other people

Can you find a credible scientist who works in the field of climate science who denies anthropogenic climate change?
Giaever shared a Nobel prize in physics in 1973 with two other people

Can you find a credible scientist who works in the field of climate science who denies anthropogenic climate change?

So we can agree then that a cartoon with a BS from Cornell, in anything, probably isn't worth listening to. My job is done here. Thanks for playing along. :cool: