Will a Hermaphrodite affect Clones?


Will a hermaphrodite plant affect clones (in the same room) that are in the vegetative stage? I just found a male hiding underneath my female canopy, it turned them all hermie. Now I am worried about my clones. i am freaking out!! Someone please give me info! Please!!


Well-Known Member
Will a hermaphrodite plant affect clones (in the same room) that are in the vegetative stage? I just found a male hiding underneath my female canopy, it turned them all hermie. Now I am worried about my clones. i am freaking out!! Someone please give me info! Please!!
errr. That doesn't quite make sense man, A male will pollinate a female but not make it hermie. Stress will make a plant hermie, but for it to be hermie it needs to have both Pistillate and staminate flowers.

If the clones are from a plant that hermied on you, then the genetics are prone to Hermie and you have a greater chance of those going hermie on you as well. Not saying they will, almost any plant will hermie if you stress it enough. good luck buddy.


Ok, well a male turned my budding fems into males then. Thanks for the info. I also learned that my clones may or may not be ok- i will have to scrub my tent to get rid of any stray pollen before putting transferring them from my supercloner. What do you say to that? Thanks for any more info you have.


Active Member
hemies dont turn other females into hermies.... are the clones your using from a hermi? if so thats your problem


Well-Known Member
Ok, well a male turned my budding fems into males then. Thanks for the info. I also learned that my clones may or may not be ok- i will have to scrub my tent to get rid of any stray pollen before putting transferring them from my supercloner. What do you say to that? Thanks for any more info you have.
water works fine for cleaning pollen. It destroys it.