Will ak48 strain grow outdoors?


:weed: im just wondering if my ak48 plant will live outdoors in uk and wont die :-?
im growing it indoors for first 3 weeks then leaving outdoors to flower tell me what you think i should do?


Active Member
how do you think the first marijuana plants were grown?
inside under some nice CFL's ?
i don't know whats up with the bullshit of
'oh this strain is indoors only'
how the fuck is that strain even made if it wasnt originally grown outdoors
340983094 years ago when the planet was un populated?
does that make sence to you ?
Your AK and anyother strain would do fine outdoors .
think of it ..
the SUN (real light)
CFL (artificial light, mimicking the sun)

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
some strains do grow better under the lights, no insects or critters, some are genetically enhanced to grow better under the lights than outside!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
the breeder will also infom you if it's better for indoors than outdoors... reasearch is always good to know!


Well-Known Member
how do you think the first marijuana plants were grown?
inside under some nice CFL's ?
i don't know whats up with the bullshit of
'oh this strain is indoors only'
how the fuck is that strain even made if it wasnt originally grown outdoors
340983094 years ago when the planet was un populated?
does that make sence to you ?
Your AK and anyother strain would do fine outdoors .
think of it ..
the SUN (real light)
CFL (artificial light, mimicking the sun)
Of course they'll all want to grow under the sun, but the light source isn't the problem. After years of breeding some strains (very potent strains, mind you) are too dissimilar from their ancestry to be able to stand up to outdoor conditions. Be it humidity fluctuations, heat, pests, or any number of other things that would cause a plant to grow better inside.

Of course, you should be fine though.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
i have one outside that was a leftover clone from an indoor grow that got too crowded. i put it out around the end of june maybe even later and it loves being outside so far. it's exploded with new growth 3-4' tall already and bushy. very firm hardy stems and overall plant structure, it's being grown "guerilla" style, no water except for rain and organic time release ferts, although i had to supplement with a gallon of grow/veg nutes cause i started the bloom/flower time release ferts a lil too early and it started looking a pale.

we'll see how she flowers out? im guessing she's gonna do great, and ive also read good things about ak-48 being a very good outdoor plant!

goodluck , peace

it's also shown to be very bug and disease resistant so far too!


Well-Known Member
Should be just fine, Im not familiar with the climate over there in the UK but as long as its not getting close to freezing temps shouldnt have any worries. Im lucky living in northern California where there isnt a strain on this earth that wont grow here, obviously some better than others but especially down in the valley where I am we have one of the greatest natural climate/soil for many different agricultural crops, although I do backfill all my outdoor pits with mainly ff ocean forest and a mix of worm castings, shroom compost, bonemeal, blackgold, perilite and a touch of dolo.lime....works wonders...got plants ranging from 7-12ft right now just starting to flower, theres nothing like outdoor growing. Good luck and happy growing, peace!


Thanks for all your advice the plant is now 3inch tall in 3 days ive been feeding her with baby bio with every water.
i was thinking of keeping it indoors for 2 or 3 weeks untill i run out of space then i move to an area with alot of sunlight outdoors :).

comment if you think it will or wont work explain .