Will any 400w mh work?


Just recently bought a 400w mh bulb from home depot. Just wondering if it will work or do i need a grow bulb?


Done that! Just wondering if any mh bulb works or is there a special kind? Its been 3 days and my plants don't really have any sign of change or increase.


Well-Known Member
Yes there are MH/HPS bulbs that have enhanced spectrums specifically for growing, however you'll be just fine with that bulb, granted it wont produce results like a Hortilux Blue but it will be good enough.


Active Member
I've used the industrial MH bulbs from Grainger and I have also used the special 10k spectrum MH bulbs from Plantmax. In my opinion, one works as well as the other. Really, I am done with MH experiments and have gone back to HPS for good. The whole "one bulb for veg, one bulb for flower" thing is a bunch of crap invented by vendors to sell you two bulbs when you really only need one.

Also, HPS is easier on the eyes and I like to watch my plants grow. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I've used the industrial MH bulbs from Grainger and I have also used the special 10k spectrum MH bulbs from Plantmax. In my opinion, one works as well as the other. Really, I am done with MH experiments and have gone back to HPS for good. The whole "one bulb for veg, one bulb for flower" thing is a bunch of crap invented by vendors to sell you two bulbs when you really only need one.

Also, HPS is easier on the eyes and I like to watch my plants grow. ;-)
Ive heard from a few experienced growers, who's opinions I trust, that if you use air cooled hoods, have good ventilation & get the light as close as possible, HPS will produce excellent results, there's just no denying it, however if you took the same exact setup but used MH, you would get tighter node spacing, (slightly) faster growth & tighter buds at the loss of some yield, like I said, the people Ive heard this from know what their talking about so its hard not to heed their advice. Ive also heard MH produces slightly more potent bud however I believe genetics plays a more important role in that.
So based on results from the growing Ive done, the grows Ive had a hand in and the advice from people I know and trust, the best way to grow IMHO is either, MH for veg & HPS for flower or CMH+HPS for both, personally I'll be using CMH+HPS as the results Ive seen are practically unmatched. The whole point behind using MH for veg & HPS for flower is to replicate the plants natural environment throughout the seasons. During spring and into summer (depending on geographical location) the light from the sun hits the earth in such a way that it produces a more full spectrum, approx. 5000K (blues/greens), the days are longer so the plant stays in a vegetative stage focusing on stem, leaf and branch development, once fall & winter come, again the light from the sun hits the earth at a different angle producing a different spectrum, approx. 3000K (Red/yellow), the days get shorter/nights longer so the plant starts the flowering cycle.
We already know without a doubt that the sun can't be beat when it comes to growing plants, with results so irrefutable don't you think it would be wise to try and replicate the process in which those results were achieved? I mean if plants in nature get a full spectrum during veg season and a lower red spectrum during flowering season (and we already know nature does it best) it just seems logical to use a mixed spectrum IMHO.


Active Member
If I wished to replicate the natural environment in my area I would need a wind tunnel, a fog machine, insect breeding terrariums, and a pressure washer to simulate some of the heavy rain storms. Perhaps an arc welder could be rigged up to create lightning bolts.

In reality, I have zero desire to simulate a natural environment; I'm only interested in maximum potency with the highest yield. That is achieved with HPS lighting, a fact that 99.999% of commercial growers agree with. Genetics trump all and raw lumen horsepower brings the highest yield from genetically superior plants. HPS beats the holy fuck out of MH in the raw lumen horsepower arena and that is the decisive factor. Spectrum? I'm not trying to hit some rare shade of purple with an African violet.

Not only that, but I am also questioning the whole Grow/Bloom fertilizer concept by testing the use of "Grow" through the entire cycle. So far, it is working great and my next reservoir change will see nothing but 75% strength MaxiGro.


Well-Known Member
If I wished to replicate the natural environment in my area I would need a wind tunnel, a fog machine, insect breeding terrariums, and a pressure washer to simulate some of the heavy rain storms. Perhaps an arc welder could be rigged up to create lightning bolts.
I'm pretty sure your trying to be facetious and sarcastic, at least I hope because why in the world would anyone, especially someone trying to grow cannabis, try and simulate those conditions, I mean really, wind tunnel, fog machine, pressure washer & a arch welder, now your just being ridiculous man, I really shouldn't have to explain this but by the time those extreme weather conditions (winter) came, cannabis would already be done with the flowering cycle and would be dieing or dead, if you happen to live somewhere where that's the weather all year then you couldn't grow outdoors anyway so why in the hell would you try to simulate those conditions to begin with???? Lightning bolts, really, come on man if you can't say something helpful to the OP or something helpful period then why say anything at all? And as far as the insect terrariums, that's actually not a bad idea, having a lady bug or predator mite farm would actually be beneficial.

In reality, I have zero desire to simulate a natural environment; I'm only interested in maximum potency with the highest yield. That is achieved with HPS lighting, a fact that 99.999% of commercial growers agree with. Genetics trump all and raw lumen horsepower brings the highest yield from genetically superior plants. HPS beats the holy fuck out of MH in the raw lumen horsepower arena and that is the decisive factor. Spectrum? I'm not trying to hit some rare shade of purple with an African violet.
I never said MH is better than HPS, I merely stated that they produce different growth characteristics, however I will say that CMH/CDM is better than HPS/MH.

Not only that, but I am also questioning the whole Grow/Bloom fertilizer concept by testing the use of "Grow" through the entire cycle. So far, it is working great and my next reservoir change will see nothing but 75% strength MaxiGro.
The reason there are different nutrients for veg and flower cycles is because the plant has different needs throughout those cycles, in veg the plant needs more nitrogen for stem and leaf development, in flower it needs more phosphorous for bud production, if you think that doesn't make a difference then I guess you'll find out soon enough.


Well-Known Member
dude i grew for 3 years with mh shop lights from an old wharehouse and it will work the lights will get a lil hot unless you know how to separate them ,even if they work. you can also use conversion bulbs for hps. KEEP ON GROWIN.