Will Any Of This Work?


I've vegged a few times but have never been able to finish due to my mom finding my babies, but i've moved out and have just recently got some things.

Ok so i have 3 cool white 4100k fluro lights, 2x 32watt round 12 inch tubes and 1x 20watt 2 ft tube.

Plus MG Houseplant Food 8-7-6 & MG Rose Plant Food 18-24-16.

And 4x 2 quart pots, i was planning on doing 12/12 for at least 2 of the 4.

So my question is will these things work for both vegging and flowering with decent results, and how many plants could i have?

Any comments are greatly appreciated.

(Disclamier!!! I dont exsist, this is a purely theoretical statment for the purpose of study)


bud bootlegger
fluros rock for veg like already said, but if you use them along with some 2700k cfl's, you can get decent buds from a setup like that.. of course, they won't be the same as if you had been using hid lighting, but i've seen more than one grow using cfl's that the buds looked nice..
my advice would be to get as many of the biggest watt cfls that you can find and can fit in your space, and use them along with what you already have, and only grow a few,maybe two plants or so, and you can have a decent first grow..


bud bootlegger
14 watt cfl's are pretty weak.. i like the 23 watters at minimum..
i think your ideas would work fine, not the best setup, but you would get something from it, and it would be a valueable experience to apply to a future grow..
if your going to use those nutes, start out slowly, like 1/4 the dose on the bottle, and don't feed them for like the first three or four weeks of life.. every week bump up the dosage by 1/4 strength every week so that after a month your at full dose.. if you see any signs of nute burn first, back off a lil bit, and continue at that strength..


Well-Known Member
All i can say is this: for my first grow I started several plants in a grow box I had made using floro's. After a couple of months, spring came and I moved most of 'em outside for the summer ,leaving 3 in the box to see what would happen. At the end of it , they produced thin buds and not very much. I may not have had as many floro's as I needed to get the results that some of the dedicated cfl growers get, but i had a good amt of lights in there and still got below par results (imho). so all i'm saying is either get a shit load of em (floro's) together or get a hps or expect to be disappointed.
ps: i bought a 1000 watt switchable hps/mh light for my 2nd season/run and the difference was amazing!


Thanks to you both.

On 12/12 whats a reasonable finish time? I keep reading some people say i makes no difference and some say it's a month or more faster.


I still have 8x 23 watt cfl's, 4x 2700 and 4x 6500 just gotta get them back from mom without rasing suspicion, gave um to her when i quit the last time. I found the cfls to be ok i was doing 2 under almost 24 and got around a foot tall with thick healthy stems was at the second set of 7 in 3-4 weeks with just miracle grow potting soil with food in it.