Will buds fatten up????...

King Skinz

Active Member
my monster is outside and the weathers getting cold and rainy, she's about 7 weeks into flowering and looks almost ready, my mate has told me to chop her down ASAP incase of frost??? he reckons 1 night of frost will kill it! she isnt small and the buds are looking really tasty to but still mostly white hairs!! I chopped a tester to see what it would be like dry if I was to cut her down like soon but its still drying and the buds have really shrunken up and doesnt look as fat and as weaved together as it did when wet, what I want to know is 1 what are the chances of frost and rain (its had a ot of rain in the past 4 months) killing of my plant? and 2 if I leave it another week and half is there a chance the buds will fill out and dry nicley? will post pics in about 10 mins when I get downstairs to use the laptop!


- skinz

- check back in about 5 - 10 mins for pics!!

King Skinz

Active Member
ok just tried uploading pics the pics are of the cam and on the laptop but I need to upload them to net and ATM its being slow will 100% upload 2moz will even set a reminder for myself anyway



King Skinz

Active Member
ok just tried uploading pics the pics are of the cam and on the laptop but I need to upload them to net and ATM its being slow will 100% upload 2moz will even set a reminder for myself anyway


quote my quote ^^ will defo post 2moz 100%